Integrated Naim amplifier census

A Nait red led completely restored


Same here. I’ve owned Nait 1, Nait 2, Nait 5, Nait 5i, Nait 5i (Italic), Nait 5i2, Nait 5Si, Nait XS, SN1 and SN2. The only Nait i have kept is a Naim serviced original Nait 5, with which i use a Flatcap 2, and is my pick of them all.


I agree Gary my mate owns an original Nait 5 with Dynaudio 42s connected sounds superb, there is something about the original 5 that sounds so right.



SuperNait 2

Nait XS 2 (traded in for SN 2)

Both are excellent integrated amps!

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I looked up google for the meaning

But want to know how would a census help you ?

Of those that everyone who intervenes puts x on his possessed type …

Cyrus 2
Ion Obelisk 1
Supernait 2


Supernait 2

Supernait 2

Nait5si (my first and only Naim product) hopefully more to follow.


NAD 3020 (1981), replaced by
A&R A60, still in use today.
Then separate pre/power all the way.

Supernait 2, currently used with HCDR and 250DR Power Amp.

  • Nait 1 / Nait 2

  • Nait 5 / Nait 5s

  • Nait5si

  • XS2

  • XS3

  • SN

  • SN2

  • SN3

0 voters


On the string nait 1 & 2 I wanted to insert also the 3 but I can’t …
If anyone can do it can insert other boxes of missing integrated amplifiers. Or maybe you give me instructions to correct the list

The only Naim item I’ve owed is my current SN2 that I got a few months ago, I think it’s a very, Very, nice amp.
My favorite Integrated’s have been an Ayon Spirit MKIII, a Devialet D200, and a Plinius 9200 in no particular order. I bought the Naim because I have a very specific place it had to fit. It’s size was good and it sounds much better than I expected!

The best Sounding amps I’ve owned were Audio Research Classic 120 mono’s… A Krell KSA 200, And a Mark Levinson No. 23.5

Ah, the NAIT 3, now you’re talking!:sunglasses:

Leak Stereo 30 plus.
Both fantastic amps.

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Bow Technologies ZZ one, I still kick myself for selling it. But then, I wouldn’t be here if I kept it.

Force me onto a desert island (with mains!) and I wouldn’t be sad to have a PMC Cor for company…

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