Interesting TV

Is it a documentary or drama.

I’ve watched a few Japanese produced documentary.

Looking at the Wikipedia description. It doesn’t actually describe the main reason for the meltdown.

Mrs Pete and I really enjoyed Shrinking on Apple TV+.


It is a drama, based on what happened, at Fukushima Daiichi.

I do not think there is a Wikipedia page for The Days - but the Wiki pages on the disaster itself are pretty comprehensive - in my view… :thinking:

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster - Core Meltdown

Clearly, YMMV… :expressionless:

We just watched the Raul Moat mini series on the BBC, I can’t believe that prick had over 30k followers on his Facebook page. He was just a cold blooded murder not worth a fart.


There has been a limited release of some of the very earliest Anderson shows in colour, Supercar, Four Feather Falls and Fireball XL5 . Six episodes in all


I’m not sure if I posted this before but when my kids were younger but old enough to appreciate the upbeat soundtrack, action and humour, I got boxed sets for Thunderbirds, Joe 90, Stingray and Captain Scarlet and they loved them just as much as my brother and I did back in the day.

The smoking was a surprise though.

The big no-no for them was UFO however. They found it terrifying even when older. When I saw the repeats a few years back I was struck by the workplace drinking, smoking, sexism/harassment use of unlicensed pharmaceuticals and all-round willingness to apply maximum firepower to aid in our understanding of the Alien invaders.

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Just in case anyone wondered what happened to Joe 90, judging by this he’s serving sushi in Terminal 2…


Hi action and high speed series on the tour de France. Available on Netflix. The production of the programme felt a little rushed. Very watchable


Caught that Fireball XL5 on the TPTV catchup today. First time I’ve seen that show for about 60 years !


OR, maybe the sushi is being imprinted with the nutritional make up of something else! The BIG RAT would have made my daughter’s GCSE study a lot easier these past weeks.

Not so much a ‘who done it’ more ‘what has he done’ … 70’s based crime series concerning an adolescent arrested as result of a shooting… cops think they have a serial killer, what we have seen so far in the first couple of episodes is a submissive chap eager to please others with some interesting’ associates… hard to explain as currently too many possible plot lines are open.

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Best Springwatch ever imo.


Ganglands on Netflix is worth a look if you don’t mind subtitles.

They All Came Out to Montreux

“The extraordinary story of the world-famous Montreux Jazz Festival and its beloved founder, Claude Nobs.”

On BBC4 now


Funky Claude - a great programme.

Watching Deadloch on Prime. Billed as a comedy drama. Set on Tazmania and is about two police officers brought together to solve a murder. Initially I really disliked the officer who is transfered in from Darwin, the performance is so over the top and unsubtle, however 4 episodes in and as is often the case things have shifted a little and it’s turning out to be a good (to me) series.

The main lead is fabulous and a great supporting cast. The second lead is very good and I admire her energy. Nice quirky series.


We felt the same and almost gave up on it as well. However it’s turned it a rather oddly funny series we’re only one episode left which is due this Friday.

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It took three episodes for us. At first, there was something there but the silliness threatened to overwhelm it. Now we’re finding it very funny, even the annoying detective from Darwin.

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I have to say that the last two episodes of Later…with Jools Holland on BBC (iPlayer) have been pretty strong, including some fabulous artists.

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One of them had Alison Goldfrapp - of course it was fabulous!

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