Interesting TV

Yep, more heavenly fun on the way, hopefully.

If anyone hasn’t watched the first series, I would suggest that they do, as it will help flesh out the background of this curious friendship.


Thanks @AndyP - you have good recall. IIRC he plays Richard White, C, the head of MI6 in the first episode.

It was the subject of some discussion during our weekly dog walks as a distant relation was married to the chap who led the interrogation, in which MI5 took the lead. I’m not sure how this emerged, and it could just be family rumour or I’ve miss remembered the story.


Season 3 of The Great, Elle Fanning and Nicholas Hoult in the 18th century Russian romp, Huzzar !!


Brilliantly funny series - Nicholas Hoult is just fantastic as the Russian emperor.

Huzzar indeed!

Special ops lioness on prime/ paramount is intense!


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I’ve been tempted to try out Paramount - any good?

Yes. Yellow stone and it’s associated spin offs are all superb. Plenty of Rotherham stuff. Deffo worth a couple of months



Yellowstone was one of the things I was interested in seeing.


I thought I’d mentioned this before, but perhaps not.

The Dragon Prince on Netflix.

Animated family friendly show which is now in its 5th Season. Possibly one of the only shows which has evolved and kept pace as the children have got older and retained their interest 6 years later.

Early seasons are a little more light-hearted for younger viewers, but it’s really becoming quite dark, especially in Season 5.

Try not to dismiss it early on if you decide to watch when it’s finding its feet/audience as it’s ultimately a strong good vs bad magic tale which slowly becomes more and more adult themed (at least in my view). Early on I felt there were maybe a lot of nods to other sci-fi classics, but in Season 5 it’s uncomfortable viewing at times.

Probably too many spoilers here:

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Yesterday I tried some new stuff.

Enjoyed a few episodes of Fisk (Netflix) - Australian comedy about a wills and probate lawyer. Some great laugh out loud moments.

Started the Bear (Disney+) - supposed to be a comedy, but feels a bit hard work, it has been recommended to me and seems really interesting but need more time to get my head round the back story (told in flashbacks). Set in a US sandwich restaurant (Chicago I think) where the owner dies and his brother takes it over and wants (shock) to change things, but starting with insufficient money. Met with huge resistance from the kitchen staff. Interesting but the jury’s out

Also Disney + is an old favourite sitcom of mine Home Improvement from the early 90s with Tim the Toolman Taylor as an inept cable diy show presenter. “More power”. Very funny. Loved it in the 90s and 30 years on I still do

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The Power of Parker on Beeb 1.

Set somewhere oop North, this comedy tells the tale of Martin Parker, who owns a small chain of white goods shops, doing all his own cringeworthy TV commercials, (Remember those? :roll_eyes:).

He’s cheating on his missus, and also owes money all over town to some shady characters.

Jointly written by, and starring, the delightful Sian Gibson, surely one of the funniest folk on TV, it’s a winner.


Me too but I hope it eventually resolves itself and doesn’t run out of steam with an endless stream of fantastical happenings.

We enjoyed both ‘seasons’ very much.



I attempted to watch the Bear but gave up, I found the quick fire editing all a bit tiresome. Currently binging on NYPD Blue on Disney though, although very dated I’d forgotten how good it was, razor sharp scripts and lots of intertwined back stories, acting from main characters is pretty good but what surprised me is the stuff that would be considered inappropriate in a mainstream tv show today - a fair bit of nudity and obvious racial undertones to a name a few, great stuff though, they don’t make them like they used to!


Tim, if you liked Home Improvement, you might want to give Last Man Standing a go; enjoyable stuff with the same humour.


Season 3 of Only Murders in the Building on Disney+


And the monkey noises.

What I also loved about the show was the live audience genuinely losing it rather than relying on canned laughter. I first saw it channel surfing in hotel in Seattle. I was just trying to avoid incessant advertising so caught bits of the show going up and down the channel listing. This was in 1991. I thought it was the worst DIY show ever based on those few seconds. Only when it landed on C4 a bit later did the penny drop. I have the early series on DVD but if it’s on Disney I’ll properly introduce my kids to it.

There is a great episode on him buying a hifi without sign-off from the wife!


Fisk is available on Netflix OS and well worth a peak. Those of you that liked Colin From Accounts will probably enjoy it.


It’s Irvine Welsh, so it’s strong meat.



Just watched the first episode…do you have a cameo part :flushed::thinking::joy:

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