Interesting TV

Chemistry of Death, think it’s Paramount.

4 episodes in and enjoying it!

A bit like Silent Witness but more intriguing.


I noticed they had a Caroline night. I assume they showed Mrs Merton’s classic question to Debbie McGee of her attraction to Paul Daniels?


Nothing remotely of that quality anymore, one of the many reasons we don’t care or pay for it anymore.
Your choice.

Yes there was a Caroline program after it, but I didn’t see it. No doubt the Mrs. Merton clip was shown at some point last night.

Doctor Who.

Hmmm…Well Ncuti Gatwa could be a very good Doctor in my opinion, only the script for the Xmas spesh semed to be directing him towards the ‘Ooooh look at me, I’m different…’ zone of the production spectrum.


Felt much the same. He (they?) was Ok but the new companion not so sure. The story was not only childish, as is should be especially at christmas, but was foolish and overacted.
Hopefully the new series will settled down a bit.


For littlies (and OAPs) on the Beeb a superb animation of the already lovely Julia Donaldson book Tabby McTat



Loved it - perfect post pub viewing

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I’m not sure what to make of Saltburn … interesting certainly, but enjoyable?

‘The Piano’ at Christmas.

A reminder of what good TV this was earlier in the year, even though I’m generally no fan of talent show telly.


My favourite Mrs Merton question was to Chris Eubank (who had just lost a fight to Steve Collins):

“Chris, were you surprised, as we all were, when Steve Collins came from behind and licked you in the ring?”

Eubank didn’t smile


Really enjoyed “The Piano at Christmas”. Difficult to do more in the same format as the surprise has gone.

Also, Tabby McTat, lovely and I found it really moving. Difficult to keep a dry eye.

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Just watched the first episode of Mr Bates vs The Post Office tonight and I can’t believe after working in the IT industry for over 30yrs that this injustice has only just hit me. I worked for ICL in the 80s and after a year as a placement student decided I wouldn’t go back. Ordinary people were prosecuted on the assumption that the computer data was correct. Anyone who has ever worked in development of computer software, especially financial systems would know that the chances of the software being at fault is extremely high. I just can’t believe how this BS was allowed to happen. I’ve never felt so angry after watching TV.


I was following this saga for years in Private Eye and had earmarked this one as a case study example for disaster in the area of product integrity/safety/certification of IT systems and abuses/lack of organisational safety culture. Sadly, none of it surprised me - although the shear arrogance and inability to reflect has been astonishing.


We are enjoying Beckham on Netflix. We have watched two out of four so far.


The Tourist is back for a second series. The first episode was last night. It’s just brilliant but not for you if you get upset by a bit of swearing.


Or people being stabbed in the eye with a kitchen knife.

That was unexpected. I thought she was dodgy from the off. Great programme though.

Am watching online to get through it quickly. Finding it quite difficult watching. Devastating stuff

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As mentioned in another thread, the whole crappy saga has made me so angry over the last few years, the sense of injustice and repeated unwillingness to listen to these people and allow them to be bullied, literally to death in some cases, is quite frankly almost beyond belief.