Interesting TV

Or hung our anywhere at all with Jessica Fletcher.

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Enjoyed 1670 recently, If you liked The Norsemen’s comedy approach to Viking genre it might float your boat.

I didn’t watch the first season but watching the second now, I have a question. How can so many people apply to play this, make it in and then not have a clue how to play it?!

Even the relatively shrewd chess coach who knows how to play a few moves in advance, I would imagine, seems unable to strategise. Why can’t they logic it out? And those who do seem to have a handle on it are very weak at constructively exploring/sharing the options.

I would enjoy it more if the participants were better puzzlers, I suspect though that was not uppermost in the mind of the selectors…

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Started watching Criminal Record on Apple TV, great cast 3 episodes in and looks promising.


Muster Dogs, great show that hopefully you guys get. The first season worked with Kelpies (an Aussie breed) the second season Border Collies. The shows follows 5 pups as the learn to work the farms across Australia.

The clip is from season 1


‘Clair Voyant’ unable to bring her ‘skills’ to bear either!


Thanks Pete, I have just done a quick check here and it looks like it is on Netflix.

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24 Hours In Police Custody , a breakdown of a double murder and attempted third murder .

It concentrated on police and the suspects - it also showed the shock and fear on the killers faces (and bodies) as they faced the ramifications of their actions.

A pub punch up (for whatever reason ) escalates totally out of control , it ends with armed police .

A sobering and thoughtful series of two documentaries

Watching Dopesick on Disney+. It’s based on an excellent book Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe.


I just came on here to recommend the same show! :joy: I’m only half way through and it’s frankly harrowing how the US opioid epidemic developed. I’m sickened by the whole thing and the fact that the Sackler family are not behind bars is disgraceful. Nevertheless, Keaton is excellent as Dr Finnix and Kaitlyn Dever (Betsy) portrays the deeply nuanced nature of addition perfectly imo.

I was particularly struck by the scene where Richard Sackler was explaining why getting approval for Oxycontin in Germany was so important while standing in front of a world map. If Germany (most strict regulator) approved then the whole world would be possible to supply. If he had succeeded we could have very well had a worldwide opioid epidemic. I feel like the UK would have been particularly affected.

I totally agree with what you say. If you’re a reader read the book it will amaze you with what the Sacklers got away with.

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Dopesick is a fascinating, disturbing story. Gripping telly, but wow, those Sacklers!

Watching Lessons in Chemistry on Apple TV.

Many themes in this 50s set drama. Great acting and many twists as you go through it.

So far seen 4 episodes and have felt anger, joy and shock.


Me and Mrs B are enjoying COBRA on Sky. This is Series 3. We had watched the first series and caught up by watching Series 2 (all are available on the Sky search facility).

A thriller about government dealing with terrorist/other threats. Robert Carlyle is the PM and David Haig plays an excellent role, similar to ‘The thick of it’. Exciting TV.

I have 1&2 in my to watch heap of blu rays.
If others have no access to Sky the blu rays are very modestly priced from Magpie etc.

Started watching Boy Swallows Universe on Netflix, Mrs Pete had read the book but I hadn’t. Well worth watching.

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And you can’t help but feel sorry for the dog.

Yes I think he gives himself way too much of a hard time.

I do know that our Romanian rescue dog, who is about 9 (8 years with us) does not have the same level of commitment to us or our safety as the dog in the series.

Our dog (Dexter, named after a serial killer by our children), on a daily basis, chooses the most dangerous places to have his regular business session. His favourite is in the middle of the road at the bottom of a bridge where on coming cars cannot see you when you pick his stuff up. Luckily, it is a country road, but the amount of times something comes over is incredible.

Sadly he gets imoveable if you try to get to safer areas and for an ex street dog has a total disregard for traffic. It’s a surprise he is still alive.

That’s him in the profile picture.


He does look beautiful though butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.

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Looks can be deceiving but on the whole he is certainly a presence in our lives.