Interesting TV

it’s a wonderful french serial, named” engrenages “. I watched all the seasons. Perhaps the first 3 seasons are the best. The dialogues are very fine too.


Of all the nations’ shows I find the French to be the least engaging - my wife finds the same. Spiral is something we enjoyed the previous series of although they are a bit too incompetent for my liking - the enjoyment was sort of in a so bad it’s funny kind of way. Need to watch a bit of the latest series to sharpen my thoughts.

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Finding Series 2 better overall than Series 1 but I think they have gone too far away from the premise of the show’s title in the first semi. But I’m a railway modeller so looking at it from a different perspective.


‘Guilt’ on BBC iPlayer written by Neil Forsyth.


couldn`t sleep last night and watched incredible programme about the reformation that affected all our lives . fascination stuff


The subject title is, to me, a bit of a misnomer.
For the most part, interesting tv doesn’t exist.

Chef’s Table - brilliantly filmed about the (allegedly) best Chef’s and Restaurants in the World. Apart from the food itself, some of the locations and scenery are also astonishing

Spoiler alert: they’ve almost all had something dreadful happen in their past to make them as driven as they are.

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Just watched the first episode of ‘the accident’. Could be interesting but I could not stop thinking about Aberfan.

Britain’s Lost Masterpieces was back on BBC4 last night.

Usually very interesting and a mash up between art restoration, histories of the artists, the sitter and locations together with some intensive detective work. Last night’s was no exception.

In a way it’s a shame much of this is squeezed into an hour long programme each time, as I imagine the legwork involved in everything from initial research to filming permissions must be staggering.


(Again after watching ep2) ‘Guilt’ BBC iPlayer…Still superb


Catching up on ‘his dark materials’.
I’m Hooked


Just about to watch the first episode, it looks interesting.

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Incredibly close in almost every respect to the original feature film ‘The Golden Compass’ based on ‘His Dark Materials’. So close that I wonder if they have borrowed (or paid to use) some of the film’s original CGI.

I believe that ‘The Golden Compass’ was originally meant to be the first of a trilogy of films, but despite big commercial success the sequels were never made. Rumour has it that influence from the Catholic Church or the religious right in the USA put paid to the sequels.

No idea if this was true, but very much looking forward to the rest of this TV series.


I thought ‘The Golden Compass’ was an excellent adaptation of the first book of the first trilogy. I really couldn’t understand why it was panned by the critics. I personally felt Nicole Kidman made a far more convincing Mrs Coulter, and Daniel Craig knocked spots off James Mcevoy as Lord Asriel.

That said, I quite enjoyed the first episode of the Beeb’s offering, except for one thing; yet again, in a BBC drama, much of the dialogue was recorded at such a low level I was forced to use subtitles. Hopefully this may be remedied in future episodes.


What channel is that on???

Sure if playing through Naim amplification this should not be a problem? :notes:. However, I agree with you as I had to strain to understand the dialogue - I put it down to a lot of background sounds.

Call me old school, but my Naim will forever remain unsullied by telly sound - strictly hifi only! That said, my plasma’s sound is played back via a very fine quality Monitor Audio sound-bar which handles most dialogue really well. Except the rubbish sound put out occasionally by the BEEB (who remembers the Jamaica Inn fiasco - 2,200 complaints made of mumbling, indistinguishable dialogue).

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Engrenages or Spiral on BBC 4 is now in its eighth excellent series about the totally dysfunctional Parisian police force. Knocks most British crime series into a cocked hat. Also pretty good for brushing up on colloquial French language and swearwords.


+1 for Engrenages. Very clever serial and dialogues too . The links between justice, police, population…are well rendered.


When we first started watching it a few seasons ago I wondered why they were all running around exclaiming ‘plutard!’


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