Is a Unitiserve still a good choice?

Yep, but you will probably not be surprised how many people still don’t get it. There is nowt as strange as folk and I am being polite of course :wink:
It’s a bit like look both ways before you cross the road……

Oddly enough, I’d love a US purely for the case. Building your own ripper server around the US case that already has the optical mounting bracket would be great. If I could get an old knackered one, I’d definitely do that. Basically, the only bits I’d use would be the case, power button. But sadly, the postage costs more than they are worth.


I did just that with one. Micro atx fits them though you will have to modify the back to accommodate standard i/o plates.
You’ll want an internal 24pin set up going to power on the outside but they are cheap.

Never worked out a way to light up the logo though in the end stuck an led behind it

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Still waiting for an update from Naim, hopefully next week.

This is still with the software team. Naim support have been chasing. Perhaps the answer is not straightforward.

Naim have answered my query and I am satisfied, thank you Duncan. They have shared the certificate of compliance of The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022 (security requirements for internet-connectable products and products capable of connecting to such) until the end 2025. That act requires the provision of vulnerability updates for embedded systems where they exist.

I notice on the above “statement of compliance” pdf that the US and NDX are not mentioned.

Should I be concerned about the NDX?

Nor is the UnitiCore, not to mention all of those legacy Unitis and streamers.

I think the core is mentioned in the first group.

Perhaps these rules didn’t apply/exist when earlier Naim stuff came out

So it is!

Deleted my previous comment as the PSTI compliance statement can be found via googling or on the declarations of conformity page of the naim website.

However, not sure it answers the original question which was - naim hardware (at latest firmware) includes very old linux kernels.

Does latest naim firmware address all security vulnerabilities in these kernels?

If conformity to the recent and current UK legislation is stated, then yes.
For details you can look up the legislation and see what it covers and what manufacturers are required to do for devices that connect to the internet. If you have specific queries about cyber legislation compliance, best contact Naim. It may take a bit of time, but you will likely get a specific answer.

Interesting, thanks for posting.

The first Gen MuSo and Qb don’t appear n the list, so what are the implications for the many folks here who still use them ?

Perhaps this is worth a new thread ?

The implications are a risk they could be compromised, however as a target I would say they firmly sit waaaaay down there with the worm stomachs.

Without any back up or evidence I would be way more concerned with HDX/Unitiserve etc as they use embedded XP which is a far more popular vector for attack. Although I can only assume even that is so totally old school as it might not even matter now.

I’ve sort of gone in the opposite direction to some of the folks here…
I acquired an NDX a few months ago and ripped my CD collection using EAC (Exact Audio Copy) onto a Dell micro PC with a 2TB SSD, which shares UPnP over WiFi; the NDX plays fine, as does my MuSo Qb. (I added a Hi-Line which did what it was supposed to to the sound and will also pick up an XPS2 for it at some point.)
However, I’ve just acquired a US which was sold as faulty and it gives a disk error on boot (setting the Naim defaults in the BIOS).
So now I’m on a mission of how to bring it back to life; I’ll raise a separate thread for that.
However, it is true that the US is pretty much ancient in tech terms and runs an OS long out of support; it also doesn’t have WiFi.

Hello, I would love to build a new ripper or server inside an old UnitiServe casing! If you have any thoughts on how to go about it, we should start a new thread?

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We arn’t allowed to discuss mods here.

I think that’s for things Naim still support and service. Once a product is untouchable by Naim, it’s all fair game.

Naim still do offer servicing and repair for Unitiserve I believe. It’s for the wealthy though.