Is ndx2 still recommended almost at the end of 2023?

I’ve owned my NDX2 since 2018 and I’ve used it with 555PSDR and more recently with other DACs.

I now use it with my nDAC. If it were me I’d go for ND5XS2 and get a pre-loved nDAC and a DC1 cable (+ powerlines).


Doing just that right now. What did the nDac on the NDX2 bring that you recommend this route?


I had an nDAC before then sold it on when I got the NDX2. I’ve regretted ever since then I bought another one.

I was in denial but I’ve come to prefer the sound signature and organic feel of the nDAC compared to the inbuilt NDX2 DAC. It may be old now but it’s still a great DAC (& one of naim’s standout products IMO).


The nDAC and NDX2 have a slightly different sound signature.

There’s loads of posts on this, but in summary the NDX2 in our system sounded slightly brighter, but the nDAC digs out that little bit more detail and is ultimately more enjoyable as an overall presentation (with a 555PSDR).

A number of posters have compared ND5XS2 vs NDX2 as a transport and found them very similar. We only have the NDX2 as SWMBO wanted a remote, plenty people run ND5XS2 into the nDAC successfully.


As that is way out of my league I hope I will also be happy with the bare nDAC when it arrives here :slight_smile:


Bare nDAC with ND5xs2 +DC1 is fantastic. I ran mine this way until I could afford an external PS.


Sorry to Hijack, but Inmynaim what do you think of the Olympica Nova 3? I have 30yr old Electa Amators and the Sonus Faber trade in deal where they give you the original retail price as a trade in figure against another Sonus Faber speaker providing its at least 2.5 times the price, seems a very good offer and Nova 3s are on my radar - subject to a demo etc.
System is 282/250DR, NDX/XPSDR

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I have a new question. NDX2 suggests using an external power supply like XPS or 555 PS for better audio performance, but XPS has been discontinued, how should this be considered in terms of future upgrades? I’m thinking of pairing NDX2 with SN3 (i now have XS3) but then only the expensive 555PS remains??

Agreed, the website isn’t very clear.

You have a few options however. Demo/PreLoved XPS(dr), 555PS or with a special cable you could use the new classic NPX300 Powersupply.


The discontinuation of manufacture of most of the Classic range is very recent, the NDX2 will be maintained, supported and a capable product for many years to come, the New Classic streaming products still rely on the same NP800 subsystem as used across existing products including Atom, Star, Uniti, ND5 XS2, NDX2 and ND555.
Regards external power supply upgrades for the NDX2, as others have highlighted already, you have multiple options including the latest NPX300 as well as an XPS or even a PS555.
Now is as good a time as any to grab an NDX2 bargain based on used and ex dealer units coming up at favourable prices. I owned one and used it with a Supernait 3 and enjoyed it very much.


Not a problem with second hand. If you decide one day to send it for service, it will come back like a new one.
You can also, but better check first, add the new 300 ps.

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We heard a demo of Olympica Nova III on end of 250DR, then 300DR.

General impression was that the speakers benefit from more amp - even our baby SF came alive with 300DR.

All in all the bigger SF seemed a little much for the 250DR.

However, some seem to use the combo happily.

The new 250NC would likely drive them well.

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Hi there! I can onl sa that the are the best sppeakers I have ever had. I have a wide rangingg and eclectic taste in music, and the Nova 3s handle everthing with aplomb. I used to have a 282/200 then 282/300dr which I enjoyed, but the 552 is a different beast and gives more of everything. A home demo is essential - I had them in situ over a long weekend, although in truth they were so good it took 5 minutes to make up my mind! @IainO’s comment regarding power amps I feel should also be taken into account.Best of luck with whatever you decide :+1:

Thanks. I will of course demo and also consider Kudos options, but the SF deal is very persuasive and for limited time so speaker upgrade likely to be first step and then a 2nd hand 300dr probably.


Personally I found that adding a Chord Qutest DAC to an ND5xs2 made not upgrading to an NDX2 a very easy choice.

I believe the streamer module is the same in the new NSS333 as that n the ND5xs2 and the NDX2.

Always amazed at how many manufacturers and owners carry on about how wonderful a product is…. Until the new model when all of a sudden the ‘old model’ is almost deemed redundant.

Buy based on your budget and ears. An NDX2 tomorrow will sound as good as it does today… ( except when you add a chord DAC!:face_with_hand_over_mouth:).


Newer SF speakers and naim amps do seem to be a very good match.

One dealer we visit is recommending new SF Serafino G2 as the ideal partners for the new 350s, but at the “next price level up”, obviously…

2 x 350 = £12k, SF Serafino G2 - £22k. Think it will stretch my budget a little! Love my current set up but 30 yr old SF Electa Amator and apparently no more spares so if anything blows/fails I’m stuck. Hence thinking the SF trade in is a good option but Olympica Nova 3 would be top end of budget. Alternatively I can sell SF Electa Amator privately and go Kudos S20A or T505/606 (ex demo/2nd hand I expect).

PS. The Kudos S20A appeals as gives option to go active and add another 250DR and a Snaxo later.

In a post about the ‘New Classic’ product range, it is mentioned that ‘The 222 and 333 use the backend of the PCM1971A, just the DAC array part. When used with the SHARC DSP for integer oversampling, we found the 1791 to sound better than the 1792.’

Therefore, in terms of streaming, does the 222 position itself one step above the NDX2 despite being a streaming preamplifier? How does it compare to the NDX2 in the Naim hierarchy?

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If the two products are equal in terms of streamer quality, would it be convenient to go for the new model 222? I thought that the NDX2, being dedicated exclusively to streaming, would be a step above.