Is ndx2 still recommended almost at the end of 2023?

The Mk1 NDX was well ahead of the 272, and although I haven’t compared them, I’d be very surprised if the same wasn’t true of the NDX2 vs 222. There’s something odd going on if Naim can’t design a streamer that sounds better in its own box that one that has to share it with a preamp.


The NDX 2 is a awesome streamer/dac! Highly recommended.


FWIW - I have been running my NDX 2 since March 2019 and loved the sound. In September 2019 I added a XPS DR power supply and I found that the be a very upgrade.

I ran the above with a SN 2 and now with my XPS DR > NDX 2 > SuperCap DR > NAC 282 > NAP 250 DR> NAC A5 > ProAc D30RS configuration.

No idea what you are currently running for your system since I did not see a profile listed for you but I do believe you would enjoy the sound and functionality of the NDX 2.

Good luck with your decision.


We compared 222 with ND5 XS2 + nDAC and preferred the latter.
Might go as far as saying the ND5 XS2 is already a more capable streamer, by itself, compared to just the streaming component in the 222.

Adding an external DAC ( for example Chord Qutest), is another option for a future and further upgrade.

Might be best to get into a local Naim dealer and do all these comparisons with your own ears and perceptions. Shouldn’t take long to go back and forth between two or three system configurations, with one test track.

If you’re maybe constrained with budget, also look at the Innous range, starting Pulse mini and Pulse.

Good luck


We wouldn’t give up our nDAC/555PSDR for 333/300 after hearing them both.

Different sound, yes, but we prefer the old kit here.

We do wonder what streamer, nDAC/555PSDR into 332/300+350 would be like. Probably simply awesome.


Having used our nDAC with lots of different kit this year, also with PSU’s at the same time, I’m beginning to understand the nDAC actually contributes greatly to the outcome.

It has its own sonic character, which we like a lot.



It’s a bit of a conundrum as to whether the 222 is an upgrade or downgrade from an NDX2 for owners like me with a bare NDX2 & SN3, I posed the question on another thread if you were offered a 222 & NC250 for the same money as SN3/NDX2 which would produce a better result? Anyone done a direct comparison sans PSU’s?

I’m loving my 332/300/NC250… with the 350’s it should be twice as good :grinning:

Too bad I can’t afford them

With that I think it’s more of a lifestyle choice. If you have a cap on how many boxes you can fit the 222/NC250 may be the way but if you go down the separates route the NDX2/SN3 gives you a lot more options to expand.

Since you have the NDX2/SN3 already. I would keep the NDX2. You can add the 332 now and then the NC250 later


Bit of an unfair comparison - the nDAC is a grossly underrated component!


Sure. Depends on how you compare…
Already had the nDAC.

Option for me, was 222 or separate ND5 XS2 ( to use with existing nDAC) and a SN3.

In the end, added a HCDR to SN3 too.

In my case, wasn’t particularly concerned about box count. Otherwise, we would have chosen 222 + 250 and been happy with a great 2 box solution.

Hope that explains context.
We all make different decision, depending…

Who cares about box count :laughing:

I’m rebuilding our UnitiServe as there’s space in the rack next to to Stageline……


Interesting question. Probably comes down to personal taste but if I had NDX2/SN3 I wouldn’t consider moving to NC 222/250 but maybe higher up the NC range (I upgraded from XS to NC 200 series which was a nice uplift). Going with source first maybe NDX2/SN3 has the edge but according to Naim latest implementation of streaming board sounds better with 1791 dac so :man_shrugging:. Is compromising pre amp within the streamer/dac better than with a power amp - possibly. Where the NC gear is better than NDX2/SN3, in my view, is volume control (balance at low volume) and power amp but whether this is enough to justify changing is for you to decide as well as the integration with speakers, room, etc. Easier to just enjoy the music which I’m sure your current system delivers in spades.


Good viewpoint, thank you

I have SN3/HiCap/NDX2/XPSDR running a pair of Sonus faber Olympica Nova 2
I really like the NDX2 + XPS
However - I am considering adding a NAP 250 and using the SN3 as a preamp.
Then later I could try out a 222 (with the XPS) and hear for myself which sounds better
The NAC 332 would also be a possibility - but then I would need to add a phono pre-amp too for my occassional vinyl sessions.

Finally, I listened to the SNC 222 streamer compared to the NDX2. In my opinion, the details are better in the OC than in the NC, although both have excellent sound quality. I prefer the sound separation of the NDX2, especially in songs with greater dynamics and more colorful shades


Great. Thanks for sharing.
Nice that you had a chance to listen and decide with your own ears.

Just curious, what was used, with the NDX2 ?


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That’s an easy decision for me. I found the NDX2 bare with SN2 to be forgettable, not sure what contributes more to that but the SN2 is a weak link. I don’t see the SN3 helping making it much better. The 222/250 is a much better combo, mostly for the better presentation, details, separation, musicality, and low noise of the NC but also b/c I’ve never got on with the SNs which are a big compromise on the analogue side of things in my view.

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I certainly don’t consider my NDX2/SN3 forgettable so maybe you had other issues. In terms of compromise, I’m not sure a preamp and a power amp in the one box is any more of a compromise than a preamp and a streamer although a separate power amp is an advantage


No issues, ideal sound environment using my reference tracks. I quickly moved on to the separates I was demoing. You’re right, both are compromises of sorts and I’ve never got on with the compromise of pre and integrated in one box. I owned a SN1 and quickly moved it on though it started to sound decent with the addition of SC. Naim amplification needs to be separate in my experience. The compromise of streamer and pre in the same box doesn’t seem to impact SQ as much for me. Naim really have hit it out of the park with the 222, amazing detail and musicality and shockingly quiet space, and with the 555 it’s really special.