Is the Eversolo DMP-A8 really better than NSC222?

I didn’t have hiss from the speakers with my Naim amps, but both the NAP250 amps had transformer hum.


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Don’t get me started on transformer humming!:joy:

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My Star still has hiss, although my speakers probably have 95-97dB sensitivity, and I can still only hear it when putting my ear close to the speaker.

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It would be a rare amplifier indeed to have absolutely no hiss: but how audible it is fundamentally depends on the sensitivity of the speakers. The hiss from the same amp through horn speakers of 105dB/W sensitivity will be 100 times as loud as through moderately low sensitivity speakers at 85dB/W. Also, amplifier hiss is predominantly high frequency and will be significantly reduced is lose sensitivity progressively from the highest frequencies as we age.


I have a supernait and original uniti. Both hiss but to be fair both have not been serviced, but to also be fair they have always hissed. Not to the extent it bothered me greatly but there you go.

I don’t understand the opinion comment, it’s measurable fact.

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I stopped taking him seriously when he once said speaker cables made zero difference, and told his audience to “roll your own” from cheap toot off Amazon


For sure. I use Line Magnetic for my tube system currently and they are all hand-made, point-to-point wired, without a single visual flaw. Sound superb as well. They are 100% made in China. But they weren’t made in a sweat-shop style factory.


“Doctor, it hurts when I lift my arm.”

“Well then don’t lift your arm.”


I see two issues there.

  1. Your analogy doesn’t quite work. Or at least, going through life without being able to lift your arm would be quite hard. I, and most others, would say that’s probably worth seeing a doctor about.
  2. You seem to struggle with reading comprehension. I was answering a question about modern Naim equipment, specifically stating that it’s with high sensitivity speakers andwhen close to it only that it hisses. I.e. implying it’s not an issue with the modern amps.

And I don’t actually believe 2. I suspect you fully understood what I wrote, but simply thought it would be preferable to score a few likes instead of actually contributing anything useful to this discussion. Am I right?

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Cyrus has just done one, about the same price and size as a Nait 50

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Thanks for the reply, I just wondered if you had sorted it or got so fed up with the hiss that you’d jumped onto something else.

I think you’ve missed the humour. :thinking::roll_eyes:


I’ve been running the 222/300 since Sunday. Streaming wise it is much more engaging than the DMP- A8 with and without the Hugo TT into the 332/300


Not if your system is digital-only


Thank you for the contributions. It strikes me how so many replies are in the lines of:

A. its not from UK (don’t care since I am not either)
B. what about long term service? (if the product costs 1/3 this argument is hard to support)
C. what parts are used? (don’t care if it sounds good)

My main interest was and is in the actual sound quality and actual direct experience with Eversolo.

PS: Let’s not start another cable rant. But: Andrew Robinsons position on cables (don’t matter much) were mentioned somewhere as a total discredit of all he has to say. I have listened to many cables and cannot hear consistent meaninfull differences on any occassion. Therefore I use good quality but nothing exotic.


No rant here, I was just quite bowled over at how different two speakers cables (NACA5 & KS-1) sounded in my system, in my home.

It led me to believe that either Mr Robinson doesn’t have the ears for the job, or he talks a lot of waffle.


I have several buddies who have seen Topping DAC & preamp failures in under 18 months. Regardless of cost, that is a HUGE hassle. And Topping presents the added bonus of probably no longer making the model you had, if you happened to like it and want another.

Quality matters.


A YouTube influencer talking waffle, surely not :thinking:.


PS Saw the videos in question…….


Cheap enough to buy, if you don’t like it sell it on.

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As you say the A8 is a third of the cost of the 222 and for many this could be a contributing factor in their purchasing decision, however I’m not sure many people can afford to throw away £1900 if it fails just outside warranty and cannot be repaired, that would be something to think about at least it is for me.

But we all have different priorities when making decisions on what we want to spend our money on.