Is the Eversolo DMP-A8 really better than NSC222?

Buy the best you can afford was the mantra that I grew up with, this has worked so far for me.

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Did you have to throw any of those pieces of equipment in the literal trash?

My Porsche had a few issues with it. Able to be repaired, hassle though it was. All of these Toppings just go in the dumpster.

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When I changed from a single rack to a double rack, after re-connecting everything, there was an enormous hum through the speakers, that I’d never had before.

Checked all the wiring and connections and found that a power cable was running parallel to a speaker cable.

Repositioned the cables and switched back on, hum had gone. Result.

Does show the importance of good cable routing.



Good tip!!!


Thanks for letting me know. I just did some cable management but went for visual tidyness and am unsure if this affects sound quality. Open to any suggestions to make this more tidy.

While this may look like a mess the front dos not show anything dangling. :slight_smile:


Looking pretty good. Just ensure that any time power crosses signal, that they do so at a strict 90 degree angle. Anything less and the power lead will induce current in the signal cable.

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And when they run paralel? Is than an issue?

Was I contradicting myself? I still think Topping DACs are among the best you can buy, and I have one (that is never switched off) taking the output from my TV into the sound system. I also have a BenchMark DAC3B in another system. OK I have too much stuff! :smile:

I was comparing it to my Atom HE, as I explained in an earlier post.

Yes. You’re inducing a current (very similarly to how a transformer functions between its primary and secondary windings) in the cable that is carrying less current…your signal cable. Now, you may or may not hear this current, but it is not optimal.

I used to have a full Benchmark stack with bridged-mono AHB2’s, LA-4, DAC3B. Also ran it with my RME ADI-2.

After a lengthy (6+ hour) in-store demo, where my kind and gracious dealer allowed me to bring all my Benchmark gear into their showroom to pit against the Naim Supernait 3 (at half the cost), it didn’t matter what source or cables I used, the outcome was the same; the Benchmark gear was comparatively lifeless, colorless, and had much worse bass control and inferior bass punch. I used the Benchmark NL4 speaker cables.

My dealer even loaned me a few very expensive sets of XLR & power cables for the Benchmark gear (which did sound better than the Canare that Benchmark sold me), but they did not even come close to closing the gap in SQ.

So I sold off the LA-4 & AHB2’s. Grabbed a SN3 from my dealer, and then an HiCap DR. Haven’t looked back. I was able to re-audition the Benchmark stuff at the SWAF and it was exactly as I remembered it.

As far as the Topping and Benchmark gear…there is better stuff out there.

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I knew this in the back of my head. Double-checked and indeed all the signal and power cables were each tucked to their side. Thanks for reminding me.

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Visual tidyness is not the same as cable dressing for optimal performance.
The most obvious issue I see with your setup is the RCA cable linking turntable to preamp. The very low level signal in this cable makes it particularly sensitive, so you should really try to keep it hanging clear of all others, especially that mains cable. Perhaps a shorter cable would be easier in this respect.

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What if power cables are shielded? I have space constraints and cables are definitely running in parallel :disappointed:.

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Well I guess the broken relays are in the trash somewhere…

Even with space constraints it should be possible not to have mains and signal cables in parallel.


Small components though not the entire device.

I realise that many people prefer to throw things away rather than repair, it helps the environment.

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common here tho to see the opposite - if its not naim, it cant be worth even giving fair consideration, esp if its from a chinese company.

such a reasonable post. excellent!

amen! the holo serene preamp is fantastic. i even bought one.