Jazz Music Thread

The Music Matters pressing and package is superb, not sure if you can still get one for sensible money but definitely worth keeping an eye out for



Wow, congratulations, well done. As I started collecting I committed to mind and research the better pressings. Have been doing pretty good so far, a bit slow, but I like to take my time. High on my list this one, 9 are higher :sunglasses:

Music Matters are now getting ridiculously pricey on Discogs but Tone Poet are a continuation and made to the same superb standard, if you want some great Blue Note beautifully presented, mastered all analogue and finely pressed…


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Yes, I have a couple of Tone Poets already. Maiden Voyage is what I am looking for, which is not on Tone Poet, and awaiting a repress from music matters. In september this year they will release it on Blue Note Classic Vinyl Reissue Series, and will check by then. The Point of Departure is available on Music Matters as 45, but I prefer 33.

Point Of Departure is also on 33, I have it it’s the one I posted look at the label.
I don’t think Music Matters are doing represses but be great if they were

That’s what I meant, I would prefer the 33, as you have. :slight_smile:

On their site they state a repress in March for Maiden Voyage, so you might be right, as it is April now. The Classic Vinyl is what I will be looking at then for that album. As you said, discogs prices are high.

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Blue Note Classic series also very good. Cheaper sleeves, no Tip On gatefold with photos etc and pressed at Optimal instead of RTI. Still all analogue cut and mastered by Kevin Gray though so great sound.

I’ll check the MM website, good news if they are doing represses but previously they werent widely available outside the US so shipping charges made them pricey. I still collected bar 2 titles a complete set of the 33 series but IIRC with shipping they came in at nearly £50 a pop. A worthwhile investment imo nevertheless

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Interesting @RexManning
Had a look at the MM website, I wasn’t aware they had a release schedule for 2020 although not sure if any of those did get pressed.

My 33s are the “normal” MM vinyl pressings not the SRX. My pressings are perfect, silent and great sounding, along with the new Karousel bearing on the LP12 I’m sceptical as to how much better the SRX pressings can be. They are the same titles they already pressed on “normal” vinyl anyway which are perfectly fine.

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Masterful. Great standard tunes. Wonderful chording and touch plus the Flintstones.

A boss man and educator.

I have found the complete Maybeck recitals on Spotify.
A few on Quobuz but ,for me,not the easiest library to navigate.

I know it won’t interest many, perhaps one. No Bill Evans or Chick Corea just many of those who helped teach them their trade.

I wish they could have collared Monk for a concert.



One of my favourite Maybeck’s.

This thread has helped me discover some that I wasn’t familiar with.:grinning:

A great series for those that like, or should like, solo piano.


Modern meets Mainstream…

As the review says “File this one under cool, very smooth, and supple”.




We could put this in the same file.
Supple? Obviously didn’t see Ben in his later days.:yawning_face::sleeping::yawning_face::sleeping:
On Q. But AAM couldn’t be arsed. So we will have to make up our own minds. Good recording of Al’s slightly woodey tone.
There is a Xanadu recording of just the pair hiding somewhere. That is also worth a search.

If you like that, try this one, which is also top drawer.


Local bash. Hopefully during June.
Looks reasonably comprehensive. Good admittance prices.
Now I am double vaxed I might visit a couple of nights.
I do miss live music with not to far to travel home.


Hi @RexManning
As Clive says Black Fire is another good Andrew Hill choice and it’s been re issued as part of the Tone Poet vinyl series.

@Clive on the vinyl thread I think you agreed with a another poster who had negative views on the title choices being made by Tone Poet, I guess you didnt spot this one.

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I know it’s available on Tone Poet (it was £24 for a while on Amazon), but I already have the RVG remastered CD.

Listening to it now. Impressive!

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Very nice sounding Spiegel MPS CD edition.


Wayne Shorter, Etc
I was debating whether to order the TP version but this sounds pretty good to me. This is the first UK release which came out in 1982, one year later than the first US release. For some reason this UK issue seems quite a lot cheaper on Discogs than the equivalent US version. The TP version probably sounds better, but I guess this is also AAA, and I will stick with it (despite the curious cover!). But I have ordered the recent Speak No Evil, which should arrive from Juno tomorrow or Saturday.