Jazz Music Thread

Pleasure-I quietly enjoy many gems you decorate this thread with so thanks to you.

More GW - as for vinyl (and SACD) lovers there is an ‘audiophile’ cut by Analogue Productions of ‘Jazz for the Carriage Trade’ in their Prestige series. Recorded Jan 20, 1956 at Van Gelder Studios.

George Wallington-p, Phil Woods-alto, Donald Byrd-tr, Art Taylor-dr, Teddy Kotick-b.

So following on my new-found liking for François Couturier’s music reported in my post a couple of days ago, this is another really stunning album. Even my wife, who really doesn’t appreciate anything remotely like jazz, commented on how she had been captivated listening to it from the next room.
@anon4489532, if he is here, should buy this, but I suspect he has already done so.

So the album is Il Pergolese on ECM and it’s an 88.2 kHz 24 bit download that I bought from Presto Jazz.

Thanks for the recommendation. Listening to it right now.

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Yes I have it! Francois and Anya released an excellent new album Lontano last year, which is well worth investigating.

One of my favourite jazz pianists is the Italian Enrico Pieranunzi. This album is particularly fine, and with Charlie Haden and Paul Motian it makes for a superb example of jazz piano trio.


Hello HH! I have investigated Lontano. Some of the tracks are just weird, so I ended up buying five tracks from the album. I will give your recommendation a look…



@davidhendon - Enjoy the journey of discovery :beers:

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Have been enjoying that ‘8.30’ today - also in the Sony Box. Again, much better than I expected. Jaco In particularly good form.


Locked Down Jazz Appreciation - Album of the Week

50: Thelonious Monk: Genius Of Modern Music Vols.1 & 2 (Blue Note)
Nobody wanted to take a chance on signing pianist/composer Thelonious Monk when
he emerged on the New York jazz scene in the late 40s. Dubbed “The High Priest Of Bop”,
his idiosyncratic music, with its advanced musical vocabulary of asymmetrical melodies
and dissonant cluster chords, was deemed too outré for mainstream tastes. But then
Alfred Lion of Blue Note Records heard Monk, recognised his unorthodox brilliance, and
began recording singles with him in 1947. In Four years later, in 1951, Lion issued Monk’s
first album, Genius Of Modern Music, which was followed by a second volume in 1956 (by
which time Monk was recording for Riverside). Blue Note battled to get Monk’s music to a
wider audience but without much success. Nevertheless, his two albums for the
company were significant to the evolution of modern jazz. They also capture him at a
notable juncture in his career, when he was developing his unique musical concepts.

Key song: ‘Well You Needn’t’




Your choice led me to this example.image
Tina May a most superior exponent of jazz singing.
Tony Coe after Tubby Hayes the best saxophone player we have yet produced.

“Tony Coe after Tubby Hayes the best saxophone player we have yet produced.”

@Nick1940: That’s a big claim. Personally I’d rank Andy Sheppard as, at the very least, an equal. :grinning::innocent:


Two words - John Surman!


@CliveB Good call. I probably can’t argue with that. He’s certainly up there, :grinning:


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Inspired by some discussions going on in this wonderful thread
What a beauty this one is !


Trouble is… he is so poorly represented on Quobuz and other streaming sites I can’t prove it so I will add a probably.
I think he took to the teaching life in Canterbury.
The first jazz lp I purchased when the girls were growing up wasimage

Elder daughter became a fan. We followed him, well I followed her as I had the company cars.all over the south east and the Royal Festival Hall. The big bands with Carla Bley. He was often at Colchester. She had/has a similar haircut still and I have most of his cds.

And an unlikely jazz musician originating from Warminster. Can’t be many of those !

Recommended Carla Bley album featuring, not only, long time sideman Andy Sheppard but also the great Scilian trumpeter Paolo Fresu…

If you only listen to one track make it the lyrical, but driving, The Five Banana.

Streaming on Qobuz.




Strong recommendation for this ine; very well recorded as well


The albums of Fone are quite often special with regards to the sound reproduction, this being no exception. Very relaxing album.




Mosaic goodness just arrived.
I know the Columbia versions inside out but Mosaic have sorted out some of the splicing and other problems. The sound was never bad on my Spanish copies so this should all be pretty wonderful.