Jazz Music Thread

Don’t forget Stonehenge…

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Of course - how could I forget ! :grinning:

Akarma LP reissue

I had moved away from much of the British modern jazz scene by this time.
Too cerebral for me. My problem not the music.
If I don’t offer up this gem from the period it will probably never be heard again.
Bruce was a wonderful musician as you can hear (if you want) well supported by Daves Cliff and Green. Not sure about the last three tracks.

A true English eccentric.
Title of the lp easily google-able.
On Qobuz.

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I always enjoyed jazz, but like you I had no idea what the overall topology and history of jazz was and I did not like the idea of becoming a jazz researcher.

I used to listen to the originals like Louis Armstrong, and followed this into the more experimental realms of Miles Davis, Oscar Peterson, Errol Garner, Chet Baker, Coltrane and many others, in the 50’s, 60’s and beyond.

I listen to a few contemporary jazz bands and went to Ronnie Scott’s and other jazz clubs.

Then I hit a walled garden where I found myself listening to a few hundred of my favourite LPs and CDs - jazz, rock and other.

I didn’t know how to find a new cluster of music that I hoped was out there waiting to be discovered.

Then I found the Naim forum…and discovered:

  • ECM/Manfred Eicher - 1000 amazing and superbly-produced modern jazz LPs
  • Miles Davis 1970’s LPs - in a word - “Woah!”
  • Paul Bley
  • Bill Evans
  • Chick Corea
  • GoGo Penguin
  • Brad Mehldau
  • Zsun Waves
    and many many more…

That’s such a concise, yet accurate, description of discovering Miles after Bitches Brew: Woah indeed!

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Just discovered a new radio station for me. It’s been going since 1950 and is based in Spokane, Washington State. Part of East Washington University. This is its logo and what has been playing in last few hours. Sound quality is good too.

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Playlist for this afternoon. Very different styles, but all warmly recommended


The new Decca compilation is very impressive !

That Mosaic Turrentine set isn’t bad either !


Any idea how I can find the URL to enter in Roon?

Sorry Cemil, no idea. The station has a website though.

Try this: http://kewuradio.ewu.edu/KEWU_Jazz_89.5

What’s playing info at: KEWU - Eastern Washington University


That worked - thank you!

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Some great interplay on this between the musicians.

Dragged myself in out the sun to play the the 2 new British Jazz Explosion LP’s.

Very pleased to report the quality of sound, presentation and pressing is excellent. My only very minor grumble is using those horrible self sealing outer sleeve, I placed the insert on top the open sleeve and had to carefully peel it off the sticky strip without tearing it

I think theres a grammatical error on the sleeve, shouldn’t that read One Of The Most Collectible Jazz Catalogues?

Anyway…great music much of which I’m discovering for the first time


I did the very same thing with that damn outer sleeve and insert !

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I hate those sleeves, I recently had one stick to the sleeve of a new record and it took a bit of the surface of the sleeve off.
Gearbox records use these sleeves and I emailed them a while ago to ask if they would ditch them, Darrell surprisingly said I was the only person who had ever complained about the sleeves.

Oh this is a very nice album by Ron Carter. Superbly recorded as well


Streaming on Qobuz.

Enjoying the bonus tracks.


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Pre-release track sounds great: