Jazz Music Thread

If the Miles/Gil metal-spine was a fiver, that is an absolute bargain. Remember paying over $100 for mine back in the day - and that was on ‘special’ at Tower US !

Don’t tell my daughter.:shushing_face: She believes me to be penniless.

That was given to me by the Transalliance company secretary when I finished work many years ago.
We were good friends. Happy times in Antwerp.
Unfair to put that in the picture but the rest are about £5 to £10 each and a wonderful recourse for those who might want to learn the basics.

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Did you notice that the end of the first track goes into mono? I can’t remember if the LP did that as I no longer have my LP copy.


Harry like Scott Hamilton carts his trade around the world and they never seem to make a duff record.
Perhaps not on the edge but I believe they make a decent living playing what some folk like to hear. Norman Granz made several fine Zoot records The ones with Jimmy Rowles are especially treasured by me.


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I am new to this thread, so I hope I’m not butting in? This may be of interest to some?

After a little ‘re-fettling’ of my long-lived B&W speakers, I decided to revisit a few favourite CDs - this was a true stand out - ‘Introductions in the Dark’ by Bristol Saxophonist, Andy Sheppard.


I first heard this CD immediately after photographing one of his gigs in late 1990 and it really changed the way I thought about music. Andy has been described as a serial collaborator and this album represents of fine mixture of jazz and extremely creative percussion. He says himself that he was heavily influenced by Coltrane, but the collaborations take his work in many directions.

This recording is excellent and beautifully mastered, so the dynamics (even on my lowly CD3.5 and Flatcap) are superb, guaranteeing an album that definitely will not bore anyone.

This is a small excerpt from his website: “It was a fascinating glimpse into the creative process. Each time I heard the band play, for example, the beautifully structured complexities of Romantic Conversation Between a Dancer and a Drum or the coruscating Rebecca’s Glass Slippers, the music had grown tighter, the interplay more empathic, the sheer level of performance more accomplished, all of which is instantly evident on the recorded versions here.”

Also excellent are ‘Trio Libero’ and ’ Surrounded By Sea’ both on ECM.


Thanks for the Andy Shepard reminder. Prompted me to play this one which I hadn’t listened to for years


Thank you in turn for the heads up Richard! I was only looking through the discography last night and thinking that I must listen to it.

Also played this one. The saxophone riff at around 1:40 on the title track gets me every time.


Where is this available to buy please?

The Dylan tune on Deep River led me onto Jewels and Binoculars, a trio with another very good saxophonist, Michael Moore, who released 3 albums of Dylan covers, like this one.

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Honest Jon’s had it in stock very briefly last week but last time I looked, Rough Trade were still offering it online. It was scheduled for Record Store Day but hit by delays in Europe, hence the lag.

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Chris - First Track on side 1 of the reissue seems to stay OK in stereo. At least to my ears - and not noticed any mono issues on this track previously. Was this the case with the old Redial CD?

In stock at Juno

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My half penny worth to another Andy love in



What album is that? Picture not visible.

Looks ok now. Might be filed under Espien Ericsson.
On Qobuz.

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The album won the 1995 Spelleman Award for Jazz. On Tidal.

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I didn’t even know there was a Redial CD. I use headphones mostly so this is very noticeable to me on the new reissue. It’s on the last phrase just before it goes into ‘Antibes’. That and the start of Antibes is in mono until the saxes come in. I don’t recall noticing that on the original vinyl but memory is a wonderful thing. A great album nonetheless.

Continuing the Andy Sheppard love-in.

Standout track: Bing

I think this was his first album, as a leader, on the ECM label.



PS Andy’s albums with Carla Bley are also well worth checking out, some of which I’ve posted in the past.