Jazz Music Thread

I just played a little of this (i.e. Son of Neckbone). Nah…that didn’t last long. Good try, but it’s not my thing. I never really liked the 70s Blue Note funk/soul jazz stuff either.

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Nope…not that one either, LOL

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Fair enough.

Was worth a try.

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Now you’ve forced me to restore some balance to the universe. :joy:

This is Cecil Taylor’s Unit Structures. This, along with Conquistador are his tour-de-force avant-garde records for Blue Note in the 60s, and with Don Cherry’s Complete Communion form what are arguably three of the greatest avant-garde gems of the 60s Blue Note catalog. They are hard to beat.


Thanks for posting this link. I enjoyed reading the article, which led me to revisiting The Bridge, which is a truly fine Rollins album.

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Me to. :grinning:


Thanks for posting @jazzman22 ; really enjoyed the article. Made me spin up The Bridge again. Nice

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I do like the idea of restoring balance to the universe with Cecil Taylor’s Unit Structures! Still, it’s a jolly fine album, particularly if the universe is seriously off whack. I’m playing it right now.



Now following Cecil Taylor with… oh, more Cecil Taylor. This time Conquistador.


How to follow this? That is the question.


Here are two suggestions….

David Murray Octet, Home

Cecil Talyor, The Great Paris Concert


OK, first time I’m playing this since I added a Supercap DR to my Superline with a HiLine IC. Holy smokes this one sounds amazing, and the the music is top notch in the genre (avant-garde jazz). This is the reissue from Nessa pressed at QRP.

Airtime, with Henry Threadgill, Fred Hopkins, Steve McCall. Amazing jazz from 1977.


I was thinking Grachan Moncur III.


Happy I have my system back after a small repair in the 552 and a service on the 300ps. So a lot of listening today using some of the suggested artists in this thread. Below 4 stood out gor me today. All available onnQobuz


Two Of A Mind_Small

Giving this a spin tonight. Sounding really good.

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Thank you for the Richard Wyands reminder. I will put it on repeat and gradually learn it by heart. Like Hank Jones and Flannigan T. so easy to skate over the top and come away unrewarded.
The Washingtons are a wonderful pairing.
Smokin I know well.
I passed on the lady in her underwear lounging in the boat with her parasol raised.

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@Nick1940 :slight_smile: that lady is a top talent … some of her albums are very good; it’s free jazz. Sometimes a bit “too free”for me so some songs I skip

The Jazz Groove
WRTI 90.1 Jazz
SatinJazz FM



Just listening to this LP from Oliver Nelson - ‘Soul Battle’ - a super Rudy Van Gelder recording from the early 60s. Marvellous music and recording which I can recommend to any jazz fan.


I was playing Henry Threadgill’s latest album Poof on Qobuz this morning and when it was over Roon Radio pulled this excellent piano trio up for me. Now I’ve ordered the vinyl. This is welcome discovery. I just ordered the vinyl version from Amazon.

Village Mothership with Whit Dickey, William Parger, Matthew Ship

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