Jazz Music Thread

An improvised Cory Henry jam session…


Thanks for posting - this is a treat.

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Yeah, I think this is one of the best new (to me) jazz piano trio albums I’ve heard in a long time. I listened to it this morning on my Qb2 and was blown away. Now I’m playing it on the main system (i.e. NDX2) and love it. My vinyl copy is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Great stuff!

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This is a heartfelt and beautiful track.

Nicely developed and rounded off with transitions of tone and pace.

Also, very careful use of soundscapes.

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A break from the laptop and an opportunity to play a reissue that arrived this morning.


Hi @melomane100 your recommended “Soul Battle” album is wonderful. Didn’t know that ine. Another jewel added to,my fav-list. Thanks!


In anticipation of Friday’s release for Round Trip, the Tone Poet 6-LP set of Ornette Coleman on Blue Note Records, it’s “Avant-Garde Week”.

I’m now playing Open Air Suite by Air (Henry Threadgill, Fred Hopkins, Steve McCall). And if that’s too much for the avant-garde uninitiated, this brilliant album – Brilliant Circles – by the great Stanley Cowell with some real jazz heavy-weights from 1969 on the Freedom label is great too. It’s more accessible, but still rather a bit outside the mainstream.



Now 93 and still hammering away.
You wouldn’t have found a better accompanying trio. Terry keeps them working strict time to start but by Deagan they are back home.Wonderful change of mood.
On Qobuz.

Terry once employed a young female pianist called Alice Mcloud but then she met John and they became partners and musical associates.
The ‘Hello’ magazine snap. Before his ascension.


Brilliant Corners = Thelonious Monk
Brilliant Circles = Stanley Cowell

Right, thanks. Corrected my post.

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Hey @Nick1940 thanks for the Terry Gibbs album recommendation. Like it a lot

Terry supported and nurtured another fabulous female pianist for four years through the muddy waters of contemporary US sexism and racism.
The wonderful Terry(i) Pollard. From Bud Powell and obviously under the influence of fellow Detroit musicians Hank Jones and Barry Harris.
Just follow that left hand.
She only made one record under her own name but Jordi made this fine collection.
More details can be found on Bluesounds or Jazz Wax.
On Qobuz


Yes that’s correct, not sure quite what you mean by “stealth”. As you say it was recorded in London not at RVG but came out on Blue Note, still a great record imo

Sorry if this has already been mentioned…

Tone Poet set


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Snoop Dogg for a start is a Shyster and bandwagon jumper. I’m a very committed and passionate fan of Jamaican music. A little while back he went to Jamaica, changed his name to Snoop Lion, fooled a lot of Rastafarians into believing he had embraced the faith, cynically cashed in with a few records then went back to the US and became Snoop Dogg again

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If I can be forgiven for momentary thread drift…
I’m in the process of auditioning phono stages, a Superline is obviously on the shortlist but will have to be with an Olive HC for now, I have heard the the Superline doesnt really gives it’s best unless used with a Supercap, would you agree and what did you power it with prior to the SC. If you dont mind me asking

I previously powered my Superline from a 252. It was really quite good and better than the Herron phonostage I had before and better than the more expensive Boulder 508 I auditioned. I was mostly pretty happy with it as is, and wasn’t planning to get the SCDR. However, when @Bart got his Solstice TT and offered me first dibs on his SCDR with the cables I need I went for it. The SCDR takes the Superline to a whole new level of excellence. Everything about it is better. It’s more dynamic, has better detail, lower noise floor, etc. However, the Superline on its own is quite good too, IMO

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Thanks :+1:


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Is this a re-issue of Benny Carter’s Verve Small Group Sessions?


The title track, and others, sound very similar. :grinning:


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