Jazz Music Thread

Reminds me of going to stay with my aunt in Carmel when I was 16 in 1980.

She cut a lemon off a tree in her garden in the evening and made large strong G&Ts for us as the sun went down.

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I don’t know if it’s relevant, but if I want to find Trilogy 1, I can only find it on Qobuz listed under Chick Corea Trio. However, if I’m looking for Trilogy 2, I can only find that under Chick Corea (i.e. not Trio).


We are told he was an early learner and never bothered to properly read music.
Such a squat guy he used to carry a selection of telephone directories with him on tour in case the piano stool could not reach the optimum height.
Wonderful music.


Yes I had that issue but Roon allows you to edit the Qobuz metadata.



Although Tal Farlow was noted for his spider like fingers the real star of this session is ‘the bear’. Nick name of Eddie Costa because of the way in which he approached the piano.He is always on top of the beat and during solos often disregards that part of the piano above mid c.
He thunders on like an express train.
Also a fine vibraphone player.
Another involved in a car accident aged 31.

Bill Evans look a like.
On Qobuz.


@Nick1940 : I just played your Gene Ammons recommendation. What a pleasant surprise. Like it a lot


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First track from a forthcoming album, sax, trumpet, bass. Very listenable

Got me playing a few Gene Ammons, I like him a lot

They are both on vinyl - lovely !


@Richard - You got me intrigued - so ordered a previous album

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A little different from my usual selections.
You can read the full story on AAM. Record cover designer,artist, film score composer,electronic music pioneer. First white musician signed by BlueNote records.
If you care for the music of Gerry Mulligan or Zoot then you wil enjoy this.
Sounds very fine on Qobuz.
First record mentioned in the first Andrew Cartmel Vinyl Detective novels.

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Hey Nick

If you ever work out what order the soloists are on this track please let me know.


Hi, this album is listed at TIDAL.



Hi JimDog,

This one is another recent CC Trio album.
Akoustic band has a different vibe but I found this to be a very enjoyable recording. It has that rhymic vitality that Chick always played with right to the end!




I was just now playing this on Qobuz. It’s great. A vinyl version is coming out next month, and I have it pre-ordered. Chick’s trio groups of recent years were some of the best stuff he’s done, IMO. My wife and I were lucky enough to see him twice with two different trios, the first when he kicked off his 75th Birthday Tour in St. Louis, and again two years later.

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Thanks Guenter

I know who was there on stage that night because the announcer introduces the band at the start of the track, I’m just struggling to work out the order of the numerous brass players in the track.


I will do that a bit later in the day. I like a challenge.
Phillips and Jaquet might be the only problem.
We shall see.

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The problem is as predicted but Flip/Illinois difficult.
The rest easy.
Blues… OP/Flip/Lester/Illinois/Diz/Roy
Ballads…Lester/Flip/Illinois/Roy/Diz. Lovely to hear Pres putting together his 1956 Jazz Giants solo.

Further study… I have two unknown to me…


Flip gets a wonderful David Stone Martin cover.

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Stumbled across this thanks to the “State of Jazz” playlist.
The Q Sessions (I think origanlly recorded for Qobuz?)
Great fun



Hi Nick

Thank you so much.

This will enhance my listening as I can tune into each of these players and relate it to their other work.

Best wishes

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