Jazz Music Thread

Thanks. I do like Concierto… so will look into this.

I have lots of albums to listen to :grin:

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…which is always a good thing!

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Neither Brubeck nor Silver are trad jazz players. Trad jazz is a style unto itself, flourishing in the 1930s. Brubeck is firmly West Coast cool jazz, whereas Silver was hard bop.

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Thank you, Clive. My grasp of jazz is minimal, at best!

Guess what, I like Brubeck. Along with Chet, Stan Getz, Paul Desmond…. Confirming I’m definitely ’West Coast’.

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Tom Kennedy feat. Dave Weckl - Stories
What a groove if you enjoy jazz fusion


Ye Gods! Seen the prices on Discogs? Guess I’ll be streaming it :grin: I love Monk but this is new to me, thanks for the tip.

Yesterday I discovered on Qobuz a super live Monk album based on Misterioso. It was 24/192 too. Great sound.

Usual band of the time I suppose Irving Mills found a new way to squeeze
a larger share of the earnings.
Not sure he would getaway with that band name now a days.
I will look up in my DE reader tomorrow.

Buber,Barney,Sonny Greer,Carney …handsome.



Thanks @Ian

Just playing In A Silent Way now. First piece, it’s just not for me.
TBH I’m not enjoying it. It’s as simple as that.
I’ve decided to give up on Miles, enjoying music should not be difficult.
I have more than enough to go at with West Coast Jazz artists. This is where I’m staying folks!


Stan Getz and J.J. Johnson - At The Opera House - 1986 - Verve 831272-2

Recorded around 1957

Now that’s more like it! :wink:

Wait 10 years and try again.



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Indeed some Miles can be an acquired taste but having said that he challenged many variations of the Genre.
There are some much more accessible Miles than others.
Kind Of Blue and Someday My Prince Will Come are very accessible. And many others.:sunglasses: :+1:t2:


I don’t enjoy everything by him either.
Like many artist’s, he has very different aspects to his music through the years.
I’m a great believer in listening to what you like and leaving the rest and that includes within an artists catalogue.
Music is for enjoyment not for points😉


Chet Baker - Picture of Heath - 1998 - Pacific Jazz - 7243 4 94106 2

Recorded 1956, LA

I have @Skeptikal to thank for this recommendation :+1:


No pain guarantee with this one. :+1:t2:


Oooh, nice! :grin:

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