Jazz Music Thread

Just listening to The Bad Plus, latest offering, “The Bad Plus” (2023)

Been listening to these guys for years…
Count “These Are The Vistas” (2003) amongst our most listened to albums.

Originally a trio of piano, double bass, drums. Whilst changes within a group is maybe sad, the move to four seems to have paid off. Less a piano, now plus a guitar and saxophone. Makes for some interesting new vibes.

Great album, all the way through.

Maybe start with track 3 : “You Won’t See Me Before I Come Back” :+1:


Compelling and soulful music. In Tzadik’s Radical Jewish Culture series.

Great album. Thanks![quote=“ratrat, post:7093, topic:2050, full:true”]
Just listening to The Bad Plus, latest offering, “The Bad Plus” (2023)

Been listening to these guys for years…
Count “These Are The Vistas” (2003) amongst our most listened to albums.

Originally a trio of piano, double bass, drums. Whilst changes within a group is maybe sad, the move to four seems to have paid off. Less a piano, now plus a guitar and saxophone. Makes for some interesting new vibes.

Great album, all the way through.

Maybe start with track 3 : “You Won’t See Me Before I Come Back” :+1:

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Highly recommended new One Mic+ Recording. the-ghost-the-king-and-i-we-got-rhythm

A One Mic+ audiophile DXD recording
featuring; Rob van Bavel, Vincent Koning & Frans van Geest

“The connoisseur hears that the trio’s, thoroughly researched vibrant Gershwin tribute transcends limits. ‘We Got Rhythm,’ is a true celebration.“ JazzFlits

… this unique trio recording stands as a remarkable achievement. It’s a testament to their collective skill, creativity, and ability to capture the essence of jazz in a way that’s both timeless and fresh. Dave Kikoski.

“A fantastic virtuosic and sparkling album, transcending all clichés thanks to the qualities of this strong trio and their refreshing approach. “
Jan van Leersum, RootsTime.Be

“…a beautiful live recording….in ‘It Ain’t Necessarily So’ the guitar’s lighthearted solo takes you on a spring walk in the sun, and the last notes remind you not to believe everything in the Bible. Delightful! … this album deserves a place in every swing collection.” JazzNu

Our goal was an intimate yet deep sound field, providing a visual representation of the instruments in prime positions on the soundstage. This approach, reminiscent of old jazz recordings, allows us to visualize the trio arranged from left to right, as opposed to the more prevalent (and radio-friendly) format where the instruments are piled on top of each other.
In some ways, we are old-fashioned. We may have listened to too many old jazz recordings, but as Louis Armstrong once said, ''The memory of things gone is important to a jazz musician. Things like old folks singing in the moonlight in the backyard on a hot night or something said long ago. Frans de Rond & Peter Bjørnild


Steve Davis would have been overlooked by me but that is quietly and gently enjoyable.

NJjs (New Jersey Jazz Society) pages has an article about Davis.I liked Blakey’s admonition to him.

His other Smoke doesn’t seem to be on Qobuz.

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Strange. I seem to have quite a few.
I’m accessing Qobuz via Roon.

I can see 3 on Tidal. Suspect there are several artists with that name.

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Found them. Thanks.

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Listening to 1962 by Dave Burns “as we speak”. Nice recommendation @Nick1940 … love it

Really enjoy this thread.

Gives me lots of new listening opportunities.

I must admit that since getting my Linn Streamer and using Qobuz, the variety of Jazz music that I listen to has increased enormously.

Please keep the suggestions coming.



Here’s one I never tire of - great tunes, classy musicians.


Soul+ Jazz.

Good tunes, excellent, mainly Blue Note based band, soulful vocals.


Friend of mine introduced me to Japanese jazz recommended this will give it a spin later today


Quite an “intense” album, but I like it


Two master pieces. So, so good !


These are both great, great albums by Stanley Turrentine. The first track on Blue Hour is stunning. Sounds great on ly system


Yet another high-level tip from you.
Agree about the first track of Blue Hour.
Thanks and Merry Xmas.

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Also available like this great album. :+1:t2:


Giving this a play. A fantastic debut CD from 2005…

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