Jazz Music Thread

I have the first two records but not Gil Melle I’ll loo kit up.

James Allsopp Quartet - I’m a Fool To Want You - Impossible Ark Records 2016.

I bought this a few weeks back without realising that impossible Ark Records are from my home town of Brighton and it really is top notch it’s available on Tidal and well worth a listen. An English modern Jazz Quartet playing beautifully some great standards
I was lucky to pick up this limited edition of 300 vinyl copy for a very reasonable £12.

Gill Melle was a significant discovery for me. Very refreshing musical ideas.

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Just found another really great record by James Allsopp on Impossible Ark Records and again this is a limited edition of 300 both this and the record above both have hand printed sleeves too incredible value.

I found this on youtube if you are curious have a listen. It’s great to support local talent and British modern Jazz musicians.

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Listening to this now.

The Bill Evans Trio - Waltz For Debby


An evening supporting British jazz…

Streaming on Qobuz.


Heard Alan Barnes play at local jazz clubs several times. Not only a brilliant musician but a pretty good stand up comedian.

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As fine as Chick Corea’s Trilogy


How about Agartha?
You can’t not like that.
It’s illegal.


I wonder what happened to all those musicians around 1968/69 that made all the music so wild and free? :thinking:

‘Class A’ narcotics, probably.

41ND40 qYhL


Chet Baker Trio featuring Phillip Catherine - Chet’s Choice - Criss Cross Jazz 1985


Arrived today and it’s rather good to say the least.


Nope. It just doesn’t do it for me. I don’t like any of his music from that period. But that really doesn’t matter anyway. There is plenty out there for me to enjoy.

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What do you think alos? I’m quite impressed that small independant labels are still prepared to produce quality vinyl and most probably without profit.

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Just gave it a brief listen and very interesting I’ll give it a longer listen when I have more time.

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Thankfully, there are folks with the desire, passion and resources to ensure art lives on and is available for those of us who care to listen.

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Just listening to Chick Corea, ‘Now he Sings, Now he Sobs’, on MConnectHD via Bubble, so the first time I’ve heard it transcoded to WAV, and at 24/96.

It sounds the best I’ve ever heard it.

Very real, but with superb definition, especially of the drums and cymbals and high hat.

Those guys were really flowing and playing off each other that night…

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