Jazz Music Thread

Gil Evans’ Out of the Cool does not dissapoint. I have the excellent Analogue Productions 45RPM remaster. I believe the tape was subsequently destroyed in the great fire.


Just found this community - and it’s hi just what I need.
I’ve had my Uniti Atom for a year now. I was going to use it as a pre-amp for my Primare A30.1 amp. But it’s just as good feeding my speakers directly. My speakers are Gradient Evidence II’s, and that’s all I need.

I had a Primare D30.2 CD transport, but it gave up after many years service. Then there was the fantastic Olive 04HD. It was fantastic for scarcely three years. Most of them gave up after a similar amount of time.

My musical tastes are contemporary / modern / avantgarde jazz, and includes Miles Davis, but there are enough posts on that subject.

My first album was ‘Third’ by Soft Machine, purchased on 31st July 1970 - 50 years ago - on cassette. I wanted to play it in the car.

Once I get the hang of this I’ll post some recommendations, but will probably require some guidance from you lot.

So I’ll see you soon.


That was such an interesting description that I feel I need to get to listen to it. Unfortunately it’s not available on Qobuz, so I might have to go shopping. Again!

I think it is…


Released by Blue Note Records on 31 December 1989


Thanks, @jazzman22. Found it. I guess I was looking for the red cover art. I’ll listen to it later when I get a chance.

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That’s a lovely album. I’m not familiar with the AP pressing, I have this one from Alto Analogue which is pretty good

And a sense of humour


Hi Clive, the description is copied from Music Matters web page. It’s out of print now with them but maybe available vinyl or cd elsewhere. It really is an album worth hearing if you like Blue Note, Grant Green and My Favourite Things era Coltrane
It’s not just the different take on My Favourite Things though, the whole album is superb

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Ps I didnt see Jazzmans post before writing the above. The Music Matters does have a different, better IMO sleeve with gatefold and session photos.
(Sorry, I forgot your searching Quobuz so this is probably academic)
Hope you find it and enjoy

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Keith Jarrett Trio - Tokyo '96


Hi @Richard.Dane
May I ask where you bought your copy I would love to get one. I found Slow Down Sounds website buts its awaiting a repress

Dread, I bought it back in December - Rarewaves on eBay, from the USA.

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I believe Amazon sells those as well.

Harpo, welcome to the community!

Look forward to your contributions moving forward, some good stuff and fun to be had here with a lot of knowledgeable members.


A couple more locally grown stars.
See if I can’t drag you away from those old Blue Notes recorded when I was a spotty youth.
David Newton. Not so well represented on Qobuz. A forthright player with a determined touch. I do not like Andy Clyndert’s production here.The piano sound is quite abrasive.image

Nikki Iles. A more delicate practitioner,often likened to Bill Evans.But her own woman.
Play this a few times and it will really grow on you.


Just taken a listen to this via iTunes samples and have put it the CD version on order.
Thanks for the recommendation.

You want bass? Get it here, from an unexpected source - strings.

The Inexorable advance of Mr Delaney, part of the score for the TV series ‘Taboo’ by Max Richter.

It’ll rattle your chest cavity!

October 2014
CD on Pi Recordings

Taken from the Radio Times - this evening on BBC2. Sounds interesting.


Described on the trio website ‘‘ as a seasoned group of musicians’’
So old …but they all know what they are about. Rarely above a canter,nice for last jazz stream of the evening.image


Tone Poet.

Dexter… Brill