John Mayall passes away


Yep - saw him quite a number of times over the past 50 odd years. First gig was at the Christchurch NZ town hall in 1973 I think it was he had just released album “Jazz Blues Fusion” with all American Black musicians - a mighty album and I think one of his best even to this day

Last time was at the Basement in Sydney in earlyish 2000’s - not a memorable gig

Gosh……a-true legend, his birthday concert in Liverpool with Buddy Whittington on guitar is one of those stand out concerts. R.i.p John

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Saw and heard him a few times when a student in Bristol. Now streaming essentials on Tidal.

Legend is a tag applied to probably far too many, but JM was the true legend.

RIP John and thanks for all the music.


Well I know who I’ll be listening to this evening.


Me too, Blues Breakers was one of my first album purchases and seeing them in Newcastle in the late 60’s only the second proper gig I attended.
Mayall was hugely influential to my musical education and love of the blues.
Saw many versions of his band during the seventies, and of course went on to gigs and albums by many of his alumni.
RIP John.


Certainly an influence on my music tastes. Saw him at Manchester Free Trade Hall in ‘69. A great performance.
RIP Mr Mayall.

Saw him in St Albans once. Mick Taylor guested on a few numbers. Really enjoyed it.
Love Bare Wires & Blues from Laurel Canyon.

Very sad news RIP.

Le Disque a Go Go, Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth.

As a scruffy fourteen year old, I somehow bluffed my way into this basement club to see John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, though I can’t remember whether they featured Peter Green or wor Eric.

R.I.P. John.


Great album JimDog - all those black jazz blues musicians were at the top of their game it was an amazing concert and still in my all time top 10 gigs

All these guys in that band passed away many many years ago and all died of cancer unfortunately

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A myth: how many greats grew up with his Bluesbreakers…

Saw in High Wycombe about 20 or so years ago and was able to thank him and shake his hand afterwards.


Journeyman, troubadour RIP.

My first choice this afternoon Gazza :+1:

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Eric Clapton said that Mayall was like a school for British blues musicians. John McVie, Peter Green, Mick Taylor, Jack Bruce, Clapton for sure. Who else?

The great folk guitarist Davey Graham started there.

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One of the few artists who truly deserves the accolade ‘legend’