Just a little bit of help please

How nice David - I know that area very well. You may want to acquaint yourself with the folks over at Basically Sound.

I did, back in 2012 when I bought my HiCap.

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About a year ago I noticed that the left channel of my Nova didn’t sound right. On unscrewing the cap on the NACA5 connection at the Nova I found…… the solder was broken and the pin was just resting against the end of the cable.

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Me too! Maybe find a decent dealer who knows how to solder……

But maybe not this dealer, who shall remain nameless :astonished:


Heavens :flushed:

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That can give NAC A5 a really bad reputation :pleading_face:

:astonished: :astonished:Blimey!

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How annoying. Clearly soldered by someone who thinks they can solder, but can’t!

NACA5 takes a particular skill to solder correctly, not just anyone who works in a dealership can do it.

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This is uncharted territory for me, so please forgive me for asking.

If you demo speaker cables from a dealer, should you have to pay the full price upfront, then request a refund if you don’t like them. Or how does it work?
When demoing speakers and amps previously, I didn’t pay anything upfront.

This question refers to two separate dealers.

It depends on the strength of the relationship you have with a particular dealer.

The dealer I have used for years and have bought several Naim black boxes from has never asked me to pay anything up front for loan kit, sometimes worth several thousands of pounds.

A friend of mine walked into a dealer for the fist time and wanted to borrow a Nova for home demo and the dealer, quite reasonably, asked for the full price to be paid upfront, but agreed he could return the demo Nova with a full refund if not satisfied.

It is all about building trust between yourself and a dealer. There are serial time wasters out there, and some who wouldn’t take care of loan kit. You have to see things from the dealers point of view.


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