Kiss. Really?

Stand corrected :grinning: That’s a bit better :rofl: Makes more sense.

Is this the real life, or is it just fantasy?

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Ah, Prince.


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But if you’re caught in a landslide, there’s no escape from reality

I s’pose

One left…

Think really, really, REALLY hard…

I think $300m is fair for KISS considering the sale of the image/likenesses - that’s all the merchandising potential.

somebody made a comment that they thought it should have been a billion.

for reference, Sony/ATV bought half of Lennon/McCartney’s catalogue for $750m in 2016.

A billion for KISS is completely absurd

I’ve got it.

The Barron Knights!



Somebody? Somebody indeed! Don’t you know who I am.

Damn it. How did you guess ?

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Yep, $300 is about right.


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Well, you had ruled out the most obvious ones. So, Just a matter of elimination.


Yeh, I gave you a big clue. It’s the evening (well, in Poland :grinning:) so it had something to do with the night.

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Sorry - should have been a bit more clear; Dylan sold both the publishing rights and masters for $500m - i think the rights were $300m and the masters were $200m. two separate transactions IIRC

for those keeping score at home, Taylor Swift’s masters sold for c$300m and I think her publishing rights have been estimated to be worth $400m+

I’d have thought he’s signed an NDA so be careful

I am, hence my lack of response to all the replies above.

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