Kudos 606 - cat damage

Ok, thanks for explaining. Pleased it wasn’t accidentally something offensive.

I disagree on not having anything to do with it. As I said in that particular post the position of your head relative to the two speakers will most likely make a bigger difference than any tolerances between drive units.

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It was just when it gets to the level of equipment we have and the special way they are constructed for very demanding owners and enthusiasts I wouldn’t after buying in to the quality expect not to continue consistent performance after repair.
I could see the point if it was just a random jumble of bits put together but all Kudos drive units and indeed components are selectively matched for performance as Naim used to do with their speakers.
I’m glad it wasn’t accidentally offensive.

Oh my goodness, you’ve gutted the cat!

I can well understand that you were peed off, but that was a bit steep, surely?

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Are you saying that you’ve had a win at some time with a cat?!!! :thinking:



Temporarily put a bit of puncture tube glue across it. If that works then I’d leave it until something else needs fixing.

There’s some bonkers suggestions on here, it’s obvious what you need to do - nothing until you’ve spoken to Kudos and/or your dealer.


TBH I think I’ll only be happy with what Kudos recommend to bring it back to its original state. I fear that’s going to mean a new driver in each speaker


I doubt it’ll be a new driver in each. Having 606’s myself (and inquisitive Grand kids) I’ll be interested in what you find…

Just in case :flushed:


I’ve reach a truce on occasion, but it’s only ever temporary.

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I’m surprised this type of damage isn’t more common. The way those drivers twitch it must be irresistible for a cat

Look, I’m not saying it’s a bad speaker. By all accounts Kudos are quite the opposite. But unless you’re listening in a purpose built room (and even then it’s debatable) other factors will make a bigger difference. Hence my advice to the OP to just repair or replace the driver and not worry. If for peace of mind he replaces both I fully understand that.

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maybe best not to have a cat… :thinking:


Surely the most important question anybody should ask (including the manufacturer) must be.

Since the cat modified the drive unit, has there been any discernable modification to the sound.

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Surprised nobody has suggested encouraging the cat to slash the other speaker in a similar manner to maintain speaker matching. :grin:


Yes have scratching posts and there’s a cat flap so they’re free to roam.

But I don’t think it was a scratching post thing, it was the movement of the tweeter that caught its eye and it attacked

I feel so sorry for you,
I can hardly imagine how this had felt. Really think kudos will bring up a fine solution
Keep us posted!

I imagine the SEAS drivers will be like the ScanSpeak drivers in mine which are sold in matched pairs … and will be more than £150 each … really sorry to see this @Stu299, can understand you being upset about this, hope you can get it sorted soon.


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First world problem. I’m OK with it, it’s just one of those things. I’m sure its fixable, at a price but hey ho.


I wonder if a repair is possible i.e. replacement of the rubber

It’s amazing what cats can see. A couple of weeks ago we discovered we had a small leak coming in from around the chimney.
We didn’t notice the leak, no damage or wet patch on ceiling or carpet.

We only became aware of the leak because we noticed the cat staring at the ceiling, watching the drips fall to the floor.