Kudos Heaven

Active with capable amps will of course be even better, then passive with one capable amp.

Maybe but if you are going to do that then, may be you would be better off just getting a single better amp in the first place as this will almost certainly be a cheaper option

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I recall reading on this forum many moons ago when folks were experimenting with active. The experiment was to ascertain with a mix of 500 and (I think) 250 power amps, where would the greatest benefit come from? I can’t even recall what speakers were being used but the bit I remember (your honour!) was that the 500 driving the tweeters was the best use of that amp. Completely against my train of thought at the time where I was pretty certain the 500’s extra grunt would be best directed at the base units. May have been dbl’s and conclusion reached was best solution of all - splash out and hook up 3 nr 500’s - of course!


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When I was using two NAP 250s to make my Kudos Titan 606s active, one was DR and the other was not.

I contacted Naim Customer Services who advised to put the DR amp on the Tweeter.


I think it’s pretty well established that with wonky active you stick the best amp on the tweeters


That is a wonderful moment.

Whichever one you’re thinking of … 3 of them would be better than one :slight_smile:

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Maybe, but one much more capable amp, that’s probably actually cheaper, especially when you take into consideration all the other expenses you will have with more amps. Could well work out sounding even better, or the same.

Kudos one box crossover released in around six weeks time. Should be great. £6k at retail.


Hahahaha … 3 of THAT ACTUAL ONE :slight_smile:

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Potentially… IMO… a very good move, by Kudos… :thinking:


Something I don’t need to buy :grinning:

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So instead off spending say £15k on said amp, you are now going to spend £45k on going active just on amps for you titan 808’s, obviously that doesn’t include cables, crossover, etc, etc.
But you are saying spend £30k on a much better amp in the first place, but you are then saying no get 3 off them, so spend £90k on just the amps.
Well i think i will keep passive with my 808’s and my lovely class A amp, as done the active thing for years when i was fully naim.
The right amp and speakers i have found work remarkably well just passive, no real need for active with a good amp these day’s and speakers that aren’t hard to drive.


Things can always get a little better. If yours is good enough for you - great.

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I am thanks.
But every system is all about balance really.
Spending silly money on Amp’s when not needed is just that silly.
Years ago then i get the advantage you could get, but these day’s it’s just not needed, as Amp’s have got much better, and so have speaker’s.
From what i have heard, going active with 808’s is not worth doing, unless you have a amp that’s not very capable, and then why would you want to but 2 more off them, instead off buying an amp that is capable.
But we can all spend our money on what we want, but i would say better to go get a better source, amp for better results than go active with them.


Once you have the ultimate source, the ultimate amp, and the ultimate speakers … you need SOMEWHERE to go. Not more music, where’s the fun in that?


IME active brings something to the party that a more expensive amp doesn’t.

It’s not the only way to improve sound, naturally, but I’d find it hard to go back having activated my 606s.

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I have had 808 for about 4 years. They have been run passively, Bi-amped and finally active. They have improved at every step, great passive better bi-amped and unbelievably good active. Kudos design there speaker with the active option because it’s an upgrade on there performance over passive otherwise why bother. Going active is a pain, more expensive more boxes and more wires but if you want to hear them at there best there is no other option regardless of amplification used.


As an 808 passive owner I shouldn’t have read your post!


Until dCS make a power amp… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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