Kudos Heaven

As the step before is behind me.

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Is this a power amp I see before me?

No itā€™s an Impassive Aktiv passive crossover. :rofl:

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In my next 5K ā€¦ Iā€™ll protest that I was actually in front of the runners who had better times ā€¦

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Unless you running for charity in pantomime fancy dress then they are all behind you.

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O no theyā€™re not.

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Back to Kudos chaps, sorry about the interlude. :slight_smile:

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What he said behind me. :wink:


Yes, I understand that, but the text which announced its arrival stated ā€˜power amplifierā€™ in the singular. So I assume that aside from no power supply being required, it works in the same way as the SNAXO.

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Agreed. The text is misleading as it mentions only one power amplifier:

ā€œNeither nor truly passive - SIGAO DRIVE is an external crossover with no power supply, situated in front of the power amplifier in the audio signal chain.ā€

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I am a bit lost as well. With classic thinking - how should a crossover work without power supply?
More passive - two boxes outside LSā€¦ noā€¦ or?
We will see - interesting and a good place for speculations :blush:

The crossover derives itā€™s energy out of the music signal, hence another benefit of going active ā€¦

Yesā€¦. The absence of a power supply for the crossover seems to be the key bit, from further reading on the Kudos web site. I guess that means it has no power lead socket or connection to an external PS - unlike SNAXO, or (I assume) active crossovers from other manufacturers.

No matter. It still means additional shelves for an extra amplifier and the crossover device, for which I have no room. My 606ā€™s will remain passive.

Am tempted to replace my 250DR with a 250NC, for the extra power, but would need to test at home to see if this would change the character of the system, the rest being old classic (252/SCDR), NDX2/XPSDR.
I donā€™t relish the prospect of packing up those boxes in order to recreate my system in a dealers showroom.

Iā€™ve been waiting for this for about a year and likely wonā€™t be buying it now.

Main reason the priceā€¦Ā£6k !!!

I wish they did a more affordable powered / shoe-box model.

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RCAs in, RCA and DIN out.

Perhaps I should have just bought a second 250. Not enough rack space for four 350s :roll_eyes:

Interesting approach anyway. Good on Kudos for bringing this solution to market.

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Is this not ā€œjustā€ a passive (as in non-powered) line-level crossover? Those exist already.

Which is more than youā€™d spend for the now defunct SNAXO plus power supply, or the Exposure solution. You really have to believe in passive signal processing to go for this.

Naturally, the proof will be the sound. Iā€™d be curious to compare it to the SNAXO/SC solution I currently use, but Iā€™m not particularly in a hurry for that.


Not if you got a supercap. I think itā€™s less actually

I just saw it and heard it. Give it a listen, you may well love it.


It certainly looks that way.

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