Kudos Heaven

Thank goodness the piano had to stay!

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I think if given the choice between keeping the piano and having a full statement, versus losing the piano and not having the statement; she might have chosen the latter :grimacing:

Or no statement, no anything else and keep the piano :joy:

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Introducing SIGAO DRIVE. A revolutionary new external crossover from Kudos Audio.

SIGAO DRIVE represents a ground-breaking new approach to crossover design, never before seen in mainstream HiFi. Neither traditionally active nor truly passive - SIGAO DRIVE is an external crossover with no power supply, situated in front of the power amplifier in the audio signal chain.

And with SIGAO DRIVE, Kudos loudspeakers are now made compatible with almost any audio brand on the market for the very first time.

SIGAO DRIVE will be on display at The Bristol Hi-Fi Show all this weekend. It will be officially launched at The High End Munich in May and available in store during summer 2024.

More details will be revealed in the coming weeks - follow the link for more.


I wonder how that’s going to work then. I wonder how it connects to the speakers and bypasses the crossovers if it’s situated ahead of the power amplifier :thinking:


Hi Clive
I asked a similar question here about Aktiv and just got salesman speil in return.

It’s Aktiv Clive “ apparently “ but not as we know it. :scream: :thinking: :rofl:


The Naim SNAXO also sits ahead of the NAP Power Amps, to feed the separate speaker drivers.

To convert Kudos speakers to active, you simply remove the connecting links, use the alternate speaker connection (active inputs) and the internal crossover is disconnected.


Hi Skeptikal

Sorry that I can’t explain it any better, but I’m not a Salesman.


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And that wasn’t meant as personal to you. :wink:
And I apologise if it seemed so.
I simply asked if the frequencies were split but the incoming was overwhelming and self contradictory from all.
No disrespect meant all I wanted to know was if the treble was plugged into the bass on its own would it show a frequency shift and could do no damage but don’t try it the other way round if really Aktiv.
A lot of terminology is being used that isn’t really true but retrofitted to sound feasible.

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No problems mate and apology graciously accepted.

Been investing further the Exact technology regarding frequencies. There is a lot of detail on LinDocs and the Linn website about this.

Maybe worth a quick squint to see if it answers your questions.

All I know, is that it works for me and sounds bloody good.


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That’s really all that matters I just wanted to know how it worked having had all variations but haven’t gone the linn digital route.
Best :+1:t2:

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Sorry bit late to the party.
Just read through the Linn documentation and my take is that the Linn Selekt DSM box can work in two ways when bi-amping.

  1. One way is that full freq range is applied to all drive units (stereo passthrough)
  2. The other is that drive is split depending on frequency (stereo). The diag that @DiggyGun showed (copied below for ease) is set to stereo and so is freq range adjusted for each driver using built in exact technology. I assume that crossover frequencies are taken from a built in data table as I believe one of the parameters required in set up is specifying the speakers being connected.

There is a third option in the diagram is called surround passthrough but that is used for 5.1 and the like type set ups.

As ever please shout if the above is wrong or needs tweaking to make it more accurate.


Sorry if I’m being a bit dense, but does this new Kudos device require multiple power amps which, as I understand it, true Active configurations need ? Or can you use it with a single power amp ?

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Yes, minimum of two for the T505, 606 & 707, but three for the T808.


@Orac gives some good further information in his post above.



Just wondering what they mean by “Neither traditionally active nor truly passive” and “situated in front of the power amplifier” (eg; singular rather than plural).

“In front of” could mean either “before” or “after” … ?

Was really getting at the use of the singular rather than the plural - amplifier rather than amplifiers.

I’ve never really looked closely at Active systems so just wondering how this new device differs.

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I historically ran active SBL’s and DBL’s so have a passing interest also. Before that a pair of Isobariks which were built as PMS Active but employed external passive XO’s built into boxes suspiciously akin to the SNAPS’s of the day.

In front of = Before
After = behind
According to my logic. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


An alternative logic would be that the next step after me is in front of me.

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