Kudos Heaven

Wow, that sounds like it should be rather awesome Gregg!
Reading Martin Colloms review, he makes the DartZeels sound incredibly desirable! It will be interesting to see what the T88’s sound like driven by them.
Fun times ahead. Enjoy!

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I am part way there, but I am not sure if I can afford to upgrade further. Hang on; I said that after my previous upgrade.

My amplification has gone Nait 5i, Nait 5/Stageline, Nait 5/Stageline/150x, 112x/150x/Flatcap/ Stageline, 202/Flatcap/150x/Stageline, NAPSC/202/200/Stageline, 202/200/Stageline/unNaimed PSU, and my system today is a 282/250DR/Stageline/unNaimed PSU.

What a journey! It started with a 1983 Mission Cyrus One! The Naim side started about 22 years ago, when I came across #cymbiosis, big mistake? NO! My music pleasure increases with each upgrade.

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Hi Gregg
As a Nagra Classic amp owner, I am curious which Nagra components you demo’d?
DartZeel seperates should be really awesome, based on what I have read about them only. Which models are you getting?
Have fun and keep us updated.

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Thanks Andy,
what speaker cable ? I use NAC5
what did you notice when you added second PS555 to ND555?.. I really don’t think I want to hear your answer.


I demoed the Nagra Classic pre + Classic Power Supply + Classic Amp. They were fronted by a dCS Rossini APEX + Clock - the same source I use at home. Speakers were the new Wilson Sasha V.

The DartZeel demoed was the CTH-8550 once again fronted by the Rossini APEX. Quite honestly I could have easily stopped with this “super” integrated however knowing myself and my continual upgrade history with Naim I decided to simply go straight to the top.

DartZeel makes only one preamp, the NHB-18NS, however they manufacture two different amplifiers, the NHB-108 - in dual mono configuration - and the NHB-468 pair of monoblocks. The Monoblocks are $250,000… so not even in consideration :grin:

All three units, the pre and both amps, were upgraded to MK2 over the course of the past two years. Since the original MK1 versions were released around 2000 these newly upgraded versions will have quite a bit of longevity in front of them.



I can hold on to your 500 Series for you until you come back to Naim. I’ll even pay for shipping lol


Thanks for that info, I have heard the Nagra Classic Pre, power supply into the Classic amps as monoblocks at my dealer. The source was a VTL CD/Sacd player if I remember correctly.
I am not sure how far I will go up the ladder, but that setup was really nice.
I have also read good things about the Nagra Dac.

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Love my 606’s - one of the best things I’ve ever purchased.


For you Mark no problem :rofl:

I’ll try to get on the call this weekend however time zones seem to always get in the way.

I know you have been speaking with Ben about Furutech. I might pursue some power chords with him.

You do know he is running DartZeel - he has been a bad influence…very bad😆


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I watched a Michael Fremer video recently that ran through his latest home system. He’s using DartZeel pre and power to drive his monster Wilson speakers, though he seems to have the Quarter million dollar monoblocks…:hushed:

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Hi David,

I use Super Lumina speaker cables, also for the links, which I much prefer to NACA5 - albeit at a cost.

Cannot really comment on the 2 x 555DR’s as I already had them, on a NDS, before the ND555.

All the best,

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There was a whole thread running on this for months a year or two back

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Search 2 x 555PS and there’s lots more.


The spikes on one of your racks aren’t tightened up. Not sure which, but they are different.

Hey @damy79, did you solder the Naim connectors yourself or had a dealer do it? Also got a pair of KS1 from Analogue Seduction and I keep wondering if I should replace the standard screw bananas with Naim ones on the amp side. And potentially some rhodium plated ones on the speaker side to match the rhodium plating on the PMCs. Not sure how much it matters as it sounds much better than (Naim terminated) NACA5 to my ears anyway.

aware, just that he has my exact speakers…
Are you in Statement heaven?

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It’s the best I have ever heard them perform


One of the advantages of being a reviewer. I guarantee he did not pay retail price :grin:

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Yes I confirm. I did solder by myself. I already had some Naim connectors spare and I used it. I’m quite confident in solder operation and I did it. I really do not know if they sound better now since I did not try the screw type connectors.

Using screw on bananas with KS-1 is a complete cop out.
Why would you.
Shows very poor skill levels IMO :roll_eyes:

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