Kudos Heaven

I received my Kudos KS1 with screw type connectors by Analogue Seduction but I removed them immediately replacing with the Naim types. I’m curious to know if I had to listen the screw type before their replace :thinking:

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The screw connectors would initially work just fine, but in the longer term the copper strands will oxidise, causing slow deterioration of the connection. A property soldered connection is a better long term solution.


You did the right thing have no regret.
In my opinion the cable is far too delicate for screw clamps.
Best plugs are Naim type and they get soldered end off
“ no pun intended “ :wink: :+1:t2:

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So I’m thinking of getting a couple of sets of the Stack Audio Auva 100 speaker isolators for my T505 as the reviews and testimonials seem to rate these above the crop of competing isolation products ala Townshend Podiums, IsoAcoustics, etc.

As you have to specify screw thread size when ordering (M6 1.0, M8 1.25, etc), does anyone know what the thread is for the spikes on the T505 stands? I unscrewed one and measured the diameter as roughly 7-8mm and a thread length of 17mm. Not sure which thread option to select on the drop-down menu on the Stack webshop.

Edit: N/m, worked it out - M8.

Anyone using the Auva with their Kudos?

If you have carpet over a concrete floor, then the supplied spikes are correct.

Why do you think you need to change, what issue do you have?


Reading through the reviews it appears that spikes don’t do much more than get speakers off the carpet but aren’t the best when it comes to getting rid of vibrations.

In my small listening space the 505s put out a lot of energy into the room and while it sounds fantastic I want to ensure they are as rigid and isolated as possible.

How close are they to boundaries?


It’s a bit of an odd room. Behind the speakers is a sort of solid bench that reaches half-way up which the stands are as close as I can get them. After the midway point the back wall is about 40-50cm from the rear of the speakers. They are also about 20cm from the side-walls.

The speakers are 2m apart and I sit 2.5m from them with zero toe-in. Exactly as recommended by Kudos.

Since I moved them to this position the other day it has dramatically improved the sound by an order of magnitude. Everything literally snapped into focus with precise imaging and instruments placement, gobs of detail and a cavernous bass that goes deep but is controlled with a vice-like grip.

I’m not kidding when I say this slight change in speaker positioning was the equivalent of a speaker upgrade.

Turns out one should listen to the manufacturer when they advise the best way to place their speakers.

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Thanks. So your ‘energy’ problem is resolved?

What size is the room LxWxH?


No, it’s there, but problem isn’t the right word. It all sounds amazing with little room interaction but the physical vibrations from the speakers when played in anger (which is palpable) is something I suspect imparts a deleterious impact. How much this affects the sound I can’t say but considering I run a turntable, isolation is the next step in my system I haven’t really addressed, hence my interest in these isolators.

I would also grab some of their equipment isolators for use under said turntable.

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They are designed with the spikes for use on a solid floor.

This is the response that I got from Kudos, when I posed the same question to them;
Thank you for your enquiry.

There are so many aftermarket vibration solutions on the market that it’s almost impossible to keep up and some with some extraordinary claims.
At Kudos we work very hard to design our loudspeakers to work as a stand alone product out of the box and In the Titan range the plinth / spike arrangement is a tri-laminate designed to dissipate energy in a controlled manner / rate, likewise the side panels on the Titan range are designed to control the flow of energy around the cabinet at critical points, this in turn avoids the storage of energy within the cabinet and it’s ill affects.

Aftermarket vibration solutions have there place and can be very useful, but care needs to be taken to ensure you are solving a problem and what you hear is an improvement and not just a change.

I hope this is helpful.


Kudos Audio

Using other feet on other media is different.


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Pretty cool video!
Thanks @mech


My parents had the same Dansette…a gateway drug!


I am too young to know what is that :laughing:

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Harry seems like a cool chap ! I also love that Alanis harmonica solo :blush::+1:


That’s a really insightful reply from Kudos, thanks for posting that. They may well be right and I know for a fact their speakers do an amazing job of managing the flow of energy as they say but that doesn’t mean there’s not room for improvement, especially on the stand-mounted 505s.

In the Ear review of the Auva 70, they actually slapped them on a pair of 606s and found an appreciable improvement:

“Once all four corners on each speaker had been fitted with an Auva, we listened again to the same music. It was very interesting to be able to hear that even on a speaker retailing for five figures in the UK, the Auvas made an audible if subtle improvement. Bass seemed tighter, with no smearing of detail, even when the amplifier’s 8 EL34 main drive valves were being asked to drive the 606s to limits way beyond comfortable domestic levels, when room vibrations can be felt. Ease the volume back to more ear-friendly level and the extra sense of control, space and air was evident. This is in no way a put down of the 606s when dressed with their supplied spikes, but rather reveals even more of this loudspeakers capabilities.”

There is a 30-day return window so I guess I can send them back if I don’t hear a difference.

Does anyone know whether kudos still has representation in the U.S. ? I know that for sometime now, it was pretty much one dealer/rep in the midwest with the intention of finding additional dealers. However I think things soured and last I saw was he was having a “sale” of his demo pieces.

No US Kudos distributors or resellers listed on the Kudos website.

I talked to Kudos fairly recently about a new distributor and dealer in the US and they stated they are actively looking but it may take some time.

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