Kudos Sigao Demo

Just back from a demo event at my dealer (Cultured Audio) of the new Kudos Sigao box. We started at 1600 and went on until 1830. So many thanks to Mike and Kieran (Cultured Audio) and the guys from Kudos for facilitating such a long session. Couple more being held tomorrow if anyone is interested. Just book in via the dealers website. Not sure but this may be one of very few chances to hear the box before Munich Show.
The kit I listened to was:
Passive - 333, 332, at least one of them was connected to a 300, via NC250 into Kudos 808.
Active - 333, 332, again at least one was connected to a 300, into the Kudos Sigao into 3 x NC250 into Kudos 808.
There was an alternate system in another room but I didn’t venture there as it was effectively what I have already.
We listened to 3 tracks passive to get used to the sound and then after the 4th track we listened to the first 30 seconds of it again and then went Active using the same 4th track for the active demo. The difference between passive and active was immediately evident with all in the room preferring active to passive. I am not very good at descriptions I’ll just say active was more of all the good stuff.
We then did a couple tracks back and forth with us visitors selecting tracks and then finished off with a long session of just active.
The new Sigao certainly gives those considering going active a way to achieve that without changing speakers, always assuming that their current speakers are capable of going active. Does mean another two/three boxes, Sigao and amps as required. The Kudos folks did recommend that all amps are the same so as to keep a clean similar sonic signature across the frequency spectrum.
Great day and my thanks to Cultured Audio and the folks from Kudos for an enjoyable and informative session.


I’ll be there tomorrow.

Good write up.


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Thank you. Hope you enjoy your session.

Just got back from the Kudos Siago Demo day at Cultured Audio.

Not so many there today apparently, there were seven of us.

The set up was as @Orac detailed and the kit consisted of:

  • Naim NSS 333 Network Streamer
  • Naim NAC 332 Pre-amplifier
  • 2x Naim NPX 300 Power Supply
  • 3x Naim NAP 250 Power Amplifier
  • Kudos Siago External Crossover
  • Kudos Titan 808 Loudspeakers
  • 3x Kudos KS-1 Loudspeaker Cable

It was quite noticeable switching from passive mode (1x NAP 250) to active. The music became not as loud, but ever so much more clarity, depth and control of the bass

Many thanks to cultured Audio and Kudos Audio for a very interesting and enjoyable time.



I listened to these speakers active with 3 x nap300 dr versus a nap 500 dr some time ago at audio show east. I preferred the 500 dr……but both were good.
The sole NC 250 in this demo really did not stand a chance against the active system!
Correction as FR points out……with the Kudos 707……but as good as the NC 250 is……


Indeed, you said it.:smile:


Jul '19

I heard the Kudos 707 active vs passive a while back and preferred the nap500…it just sounded, so right. The active nap 300 dr seemed a little too exuberant for my liking. »

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Look at all that Naim power linked with RCAs :scream: :+1:t2:
They must have found them far better like I did. :zipper_mouth_face:


Unfortunately I couldn’t attend this one :smiling_face_with_tear: Cultured always put on a good event & I believe they are playing tunes again tomorrow on one of their set-ups @ the Banbury Record fair :+1:


Yes, that’s right, they mentioned that.


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Thanks for the write ups. An interesting bit of kit. Cultured Audio look like a great dealer and IIRC, Mike is ex Naim. A bit out of my area, but one for a visit sometime.


Mike is a great guy……the Naim guy supporting my dealer pre covid❤️


A heads up for anyone interested in the Sigao. First production models now delayed until mid July :flushed:.

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An interesting dem would be between SC/SNAXO / 3 amps and the Kudos X/O (same amps). SNAXO is true active whereas Kudos X/O appears to be passive.

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A certain Leicestershire Dealer is organising a particular Kudos Sigao Drive Open Day
Might be worth giving them a ping or ring for details.

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I suppose both configurations are considered ‘active’, in that the crossovers sit ahead of the power amps, which are connected directly to the speaker drivers. The Sigao is un-powered though, so as you say, it’s essentially a passive device.

The other slight fly in the ointment is the Snaxo is discontinued which may compromise demo opportunities.

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Agree that would be a good demo if as @james_n states a SNAXO is available.

The following is just my understanding and I may very well be totally off target. Whilst the Sigao is not mains powered it does have some pretty unique electronics within the unit and is not just passive L, C and R components. These unique electronics must utilise a very small proportion of the signal to generate the required outputs. How the electronics achieve this I do not know and I dare say Kudos will not be saying (in detail) just yet.

Personally I thought the Sigao did a very good job of producing the required signals to drive the various active channels.

Quite true. However as an academic exercise it might serve to validate one approach versus the other.


Indeed - an interesting approach from Kudos with this offering. Quite a few ways to activate these speakers now - Devialet, Exposure, Linn, Naim (legacy Snaxo) and now Kudos themselves.

Reminds me to reply to the Audiobarn Sigao invite…

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I bought all remaining SNAXO 242 and 362s, plus many HiCaps and SCs from HQ BTW. And, seeing this inevitable discontinuation in advance I also have crossovers from Exposure. FYI. Anyway, we’re still arranging the scope of the demonstrations and also pinning down the exact date.
KR, Peter


With recent reference to the Kudos open day at Cymbiosis the details are as follows.
This will be held on Saturday 8th June 2024 between 10.00am and 4.00pm.

They will be using their Naim system with Kudos Titan 808s in one dem room and they will also be doing an active versus passive dem in they’re other room using a Linn system with Kudos Titan 606s.

They will be doing the active/passive dem at 12.00pm and 2.00pm and these must be prebooked on a first come, first served basis, so please contact them as soon as possible if you would like to book for this.

They are delighted that Derek and Mark from Kudos will be here to explain how the SIGAO DRIVE works and to answer any questions that you may have.