Kudos Titan 707 v Naim SL2

Thanks. That’s helpful.

Yeah I noticed that a while back when looking at active options. Perhaps crossover frequencies between mid bass and treble are the same on the 707 and 808 so it makes sense to use the 362 for the 707 (albeit with two amps rather than the three for the 808). I’m sure a quick email to Kudos would explain all.

The crossover frequencies of, for example, the DBL SNAXO 3-6 are: 350 Hz bass->mid and 2.8KHz mid->tweeter. (I assume the 362 would be similar}. The Kudos drawing shows only the mid and tweeter sections connected, and if the mid section is a BPF, then the 707s will be a bit bass-light.

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Don’t you order a specific 362 model to suit the speaker so the 707/808 version will be different to the DBL version ? You’re driving a 8in mid / bass driver on the Kudos compared to 5in mid on the DBL.

I believe so, but I just use those figure as example. What interests me is that you have a “two way” speaker driven from the upper two bands of a three way XO. I would have expected that the SNAXO would have a HPF for the tweeters, BPF for the mids, & LPF for the basses…

Could be - I’ve not seen the specs for the Kudos version. Would be interesting to see what they are.

Picked up the 707s but it’ll be next year before I get chance to listen to them now.


Maybe Kudos had the diagram for the 808 with a 362 in it, and reusing the diagram (with the 362 in it already) when they came to the 707 diagram?

Sounds good…did you get the 'size 2 ’ ?

(I also have Titan 606’s)

Seasons greetings

Yes, I got the size 2 …and love the result.

Happy festive season

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Will be interested to hear your findings Rack. Happy Christmas :+1:t2:

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Yeah, really looking forward to listening to them. :blush:

Happy Christmas to you too!:christmas_tree:

Cheers, Rack.


You’ve got some patience ! Look forward to hearing how you get on when you get them installed.

Have a good Christmas Rack :christmas_tree:

Haha! Yeah, you could say that. :grinning: I’m having to stay out of the house because the Mrs has got ‘the bug’. I’m staying at the folks until the coast is clear so the speakers are still boxed up and hanging around the hallway till then.

It’s no big deal really, I’ll just be happy to see the Mrs kick that bug out of her system.

Have a great Christmas too. :+1:t5:

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Ordered a pair…should be with us soon… :crossed_fingers:


I have 707s on an extended home dem at the moment with passive 500. They are a truly exceptional speaker once I finally got the positioning sorted. Fast, gorgeous mid range and tight deep bass. There is a real snap to the percussion. I can be very happy with this combination. I hope to dem the 808s as well. And it will be as toss up between the two in my room. Using the kudos cable. I borrowed a pair of Super Lumina cables and they were horrible to my ears (again).


Hi Badger1. That sounds promising. I’ve already got SL speaker cable in place so I’ll judging them with this but the Kudos cable sounds interesting v the SL. Was there anything in particular you didn’t like about the SL with the 707s?

Hoping to get the 707s set up sometime in the next few days after finally moving back into the place with the wife’s isolation period ending today. Need to get the Christmas tree and decorations out of the way first and give the living room a good tidy first. The 2 channel stuff hasn’t been touched for a couple of years so maybe I’ll strip all that lot down and give it all a good clean too.

Cheers, Rack.



To my ears the mid range vocals were heavily coloured and a lot of the energy/dynamics were sucked out of the music. I couldn’t wait to swap back. You should decide for yourself. Remember the speakers were voiced/tested with the kudos cable and naim amps so it makes sense to listen to how Kudos intended the speakers to sound even if you decide on a different cable.

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How large is your room and how far away from the back and side wall did you find the sweet spot?
Any pic possible?

They were more than likely developed with Naim amps, but certainly not with Kudos speaker cables as the Titans were released well before their KS1 cable appeared. Derek told me a while ago that he liked silver plated cables, and I believe the internal wiring was done with Chord cable (which, like KS1, is silver plated) so I suspect that is what you would use if you wanted to recreate the system with which they were developed.