Linn k20 speaker cable

Hi all

Hope everyone is fine and well. Does anyone have any preferences regarding Linn K20 speaker cable it is to be used in my study 16ft x14 ft

Naim Nait 3 Na 522 phono boards ( thanks for all they advice about these boards I actually had a spare pair in my goodies box)

Rega planar 3 simuko pearl cart

Rotel red 855 cd player

Mission 760i se mission stands


Not sure what you mean by preferences hereā€¦?

Linn K20 is very good valueā€¦ And - probably - very close to Naim NAC A4ā€¦ :crazy_face:

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K20 is an excellent flexible alternative to NACA5 with more or less the same L,C & R specā€¦

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Hi thanks for the replyā€¦ sorry I meant is a worthy contender too Naim cable and are there similar alternatives that donā€™t break the bank


Hi again, K20 is a very worthy cable, its almost the same as the old NACA4 & has the same L,C & R specs.
As for breaking the bank, K20 is just over Ā£6/m unterminated vs NACA5 at Ā£35/m


For the benefit of the OP, I assume C is capacitance and R is resistance, but what is L? Not everyone is Mr Techy.

Sorry habits of a lifetime etc, but Iā€™m not the worst (no names etc)
Yes C is capacitance, R resistance and L is inductance

The symbol L is used to honour its principle founder Heinrich Lenz.
Inductance is important for Naim amps as it the main element of output stage loading

Naim NACA5
Inductance - 1uH per metre
Capacitance - 16pF per metre
Resistance - 9mĪ© per metre

Linn K20
Inductance - 0.93uH per metre
Capacitance - 16pF per metre
Resistance not specified


It would be just fine.
With your amp in mind Iā€™d not use less than 4-5 meter run, the longer the better.

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Thanks Mike. And while we are on the subject of speaker cables, particularly for older amplifiers such as the Nait 3, itā€™s worth reiterating that ā€˜you should ensure that the cable is low capacitance and of moderate inductance. High capacitance &/or very low inductance cables are to be avoided at all costs and may result in damage to your amplifier.ā€™ Thatā€™s a quote from the FAQs.

I have numerous made up lengths of K20 and have used it on numerous systems and setups, itā€™s cost efficient and easy to locate and fit round bends.
I use it today on a Denon AV amp, a Sonos amp and a Uniti Atom, all fine.
As suggested aim for a decent length in your case somewhere between 4-8m being the sweet spot, avoid short lengths below that.

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Hi again Nigel, yes important and thanks for reminding.

However it does raise concerns in my mind re the understanding of this for the non-technical.
What exactly is high, low and moderate, it really needs to have some numbers.

Indeed, but that would be a hostage to fortune. If Naim published that X and Y would be ok, and then it wasnā€™t, it would open them up to legal action. As it stands they recommend A5 and SL, and if somebody tries something else then on their head be it.

Isnā€™t it also the case that this extra set of data points regards speaker cable is quite brand and generation specific, most manufacturers just specify quite basic requirements for speaker cables and most types/lengths will work without issue.
Iā€™ve certainly not found a setup that doesnā€™t behave itself with Linn K20 at least!

From memory the cable was developed as a low voltage hook up cable for lighting. Linn had it made in grey and called it K20 and Naim had it made in black and white and called it A4 and cable talk had it made with there name on it. Naim was not happy with others using the cable as naim got there first so they developed A5.

Itā€™s a great sounding cable like all Linn cables and under rated due to its low cost. I used it over A5 as it goes under the carpet between the underlay and grippers. I do think A5 has the edge but thereā€™s really not much in it and im convinced 8meters is the perfect length but thatā€™s just my personal preference.

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Reallyā€¦ No heard that. My understanding was than Naim had A4 made first, by BICC. Then Linn and Exposure (?) got BICC to make clones for them. Which BICC didā€¦ Naughty.

Naim were not happy and wrote to BICC. Not sure if legal action was mebtione. But BICC caved and paid Naim an amount of money. Which Naim ploughed into developing A5 with ANOther cable maker.

@Richard.Dane - ?

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Hi Mr.M, yes agree. K20 is a damn good alround trouble free cable, for Naim amps at least.
This subject is complex, more so when other amp designs are in the mix.
e.g. Most non-Naim power amps have an internal inductance coil on the output stage.
That inductance value gets added to with the speaker cable, normally no problems but add a long length of K20 & the total output stage inductance can be too high and cause the speakers to roll off in the upper audio band, then K20 (and NACA5) get ā€˜brandedā€™ as dull.

Thatā€™s sounds perfectly plausible, I canā€™t remember the details but itā€™s something along those lines.
Still a great cable

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There is always thisā€¦

That sounds about right.

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Iā€™ve typically used relatively short runs of it, the longest K20 I had was when I used it for rear channels from an Arcam AVR surround amp, even that was only about 15-20m from memory (at my old house).
I managed to get a load of ā€œbin scrapsā€ of it from my dealer as well from home cinema upgrade jobs, so all decent lengths/pairs, just chopped a few cm off each end and put new plugs on and off you go.
Iā€™ve always found K20 a good all round general purpose cable, regardless of electronics, pretty sure I used it on older NAITā€™s as well at some stage without much concern, certainly a safer bet than many possible cable options available at similar price point.
Another option here could be something like Chord Leyline, not tried it myself, perhaps others have.

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