Linn LP12 Servicing

Four years or so and I notice my springs are a little noisy on the bounce…

May be time to visit Grahams for a medical.

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Hi @HappyListener

My basis/driver is that it would be remiss of me not to audition one at home. I just wanted to do “due diligence” in having all the “facts” about ownership and servicing. When I get around to it, it may well be that a LP12 is not for me. However, if the LP12 is to my taste, I would than be making the final decision aware of the need to budget for a service, every 4 to 10 years, or when my ears think it needs one.

As you suggest, I could just audition something more “plug and play”. I am rather taken by the Origin Live Sovereign S with the Enterprise arm.

But me being me I would not want to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Kind regards


Are you still using an SME20/3, as it looks like the OL TT you mention could be very similar in approach (and perhaps musicality?), noting the OL kit is 34kgs+?

This is where things can get very confusing, as mag reviews of SME kit always seem to be highly complimentary, but to some ears, they are musically ‘unexciting’ (to pick one word) relative to say a top-spec LP12. To my ears, there appears to be a connection with quietness and accuracy, as against forsaking some of this for ‘rhythmic drive’ (as suggested by What Hi-Fi). I think it’s a case of ‘how many sugars do you have in your tea’!

I really wouldn’t fret on the ownership costs of an LP12 – I’d be far more concerned at the spec your ears tell you favour, as there can be some serious coin involved.



Don’t know where you’re located, but if you can get to Cymbiosis in Leicester, they have an enormous selection of LP12s you can listen to.

Also, you can compare against other decks, Rega and Vertere, for example.

Peter can also make you a LP12 using both new and pre-used parts which can make it very affordable.

Over the years, Peter has upgraded my deck and I have used many pre-used parts.

The LP12 is a very nice record deck and getting one from Cymbiosis, you know it would be set up correctly and last for many years without tinkering with it. They are a very stable product.



@RogerGround - I endorse this recommendation by @DiggyGun , re @Cymbiosis .

There is a complete ‘wall full’ of various (new) LP12’s, for you to see & hear.

When I mentioned ‘built from parts’ LP12’s, it was Cymbiosis that I was thinking of.

They also often have parts which you can use to upgrade your LP12. I have got a Lingo and a Kore from them, this way.


Was just there yesterday to have an Ekos SE fitted, it was nice just to sit in the demo room for a while and take it all in. @DiggyGun saw some of your stuff there, do you mind if I send you a PM?



Absolutely, not set in stone as it depends on the how the set up is shall we say. If done correctly.

Cartridge wear and the need to replace them after a period of time/hours of use, could/would be a trigger to have the deck serviced and this is of course applicable to any turntable/cartridge combination whether OL, SME, Rega or whatever - All of these have been mentioned above as possible alternatives. They will all need attention in the future, the LP12 is not unique in this respect.





No, please get @Richard.Dane to arrange.


Trying to PM on here just lists a post.
“ That could be embarrassing “ :scream:

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This is a selection of LP12s at Cymbiosis.



The usual story is that a deck is set up fine then some “expert “ that knows better can’t leave it alone so rather than look like an idiot they blame the deck as being inconsistent.
Who’s going to admit they made an arse of fiddling with the deck.
Chinese whispers and old wives tales the deck doesn’t go off on its own it can be set up for years if left as is.
Enjoy or upgrade but keep your hands of the fiddly bits. :wink: :+1:t2:
Ooer. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Certainly no dealer will.

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Hi @DiggyGun

Cymbiosis are about 10 miles away.
I will have to initiate a contact.
Thank you.
Kind regards


Hi @IanRobertM

If I like the SQ of the LP12, I will purchase one constructed from “parts” from a Linn dealer.
Kind regards


@Cymbiosis offer that option… :slightly_smiling_face:

They are also very highly regarded around these parts… :open_mouth:

Happy to Recommend.


Hey Roger

You will not go wrong with that decision.

Peter will look after you.



+1 on @Cymbiosis, my route to LP12 ownership was via my local Linn dealer route rather than going to with a build from Peter that we had tentatively discussed via e-mail, the only reason for this was that Peter is 270+ miles away from me whereas my local store is less than a hour away, as a result I could visit easily and hear different set-ups.

If you are going to arrange a listening session at Cymbiosis then I would suggest that if you are happy with the sound from a LP12 then give Peter a budget and let him build it for you.


@RogerGround - Another way of looking at it is that the Linn LP12 is such a popular & common choice of deck at this level, that you could probably easily sell it or trade it on, if its not to your liking.

But I think that’s unlikely…

There Is An LP12 For Everyone… Somewhere.


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