Linn Selekt Journey

Had an interesting minor irritation with the Linn Selekt DSM, in that, I would switch the DSM to Sleep before going to bed. However, in the morning it would be switched on showing the HDMI input.

Contacted Cymbiosis and advised them of the issue. They in turn contacted Linn and Linn responded with some suggestions to try.

  1. It could be stray IR. To negate that as a possibility disable the IR on the Selekt by changing the “Handset Commands Accepted” setting to NONE. Leave overnight and see what happens.
  2. If 1. Has no impact then Disconnect the Selekt from the Network overnight to rule out the cause being some command sent over the Network.
  3. If 2. Has no impact then Disconnect HDMI connections overnight to rule out the Selekt being brought out of Standby by an HDMI related command.

After following the suggestions, it appears that the thing causing the issue was the TV and HDMI connection, No. 3.

Upon further investigation, checked the TV settings and found that “automatic updates” was selected, so switched that off as the TV appears to be waking up, but no screen, when on Standby at night. However, the Selekt switched itself on again, so no joy.

As with most modern TVs there is no “Off” button and the TV only goes to Standby, so no way of actually switching the TV off, apart from the plug socket, which is not in a convenient place. I then fitted a Smart Plug, so the TV could easily be actually switched on and off.

Turned the TV off with this and the Selekt stayed off overnight for a couple of nights.

So a solution or get around has been found which seems to work. I have fed this feedback to Cymbiosis to pass onto Linn, in case someone else has a similar issue.

Finally, many thanks to Cymbiosis and Linn for their help



Thanks DG. That won’t be a problem chez nous as hifi and TV are in different rooms.

At least it won’t be a problem when my Selekt finally arrives … it seems to be taking its time to get here!


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Just had a call to say installation on Saturday. Yippee!



Have you tried to change the standby mode in settings?
This translates to a active standby vs deep sleep mode.
Try deep sleep setting and see if it wakes up still, it shouldn’t do.
The minor impact here being that waking from a deep sleep takes a litte longer, it’s close to the time a cold boot takes but should avoid any interfaces active in standby misbehaving.

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Looked at the settings and the standby options are Active or Low Power Mode, but can’t find much info on them.


Have you tried it on low power mode, which is a passive standby and as such less likely to be woken up by signals on any of the connections.
I can’t comment specifically on it waking itself up, mine doesn’t but I don’t have anything connected to mine apart from RCA’s off my turntable tonearm.
I’d suspect it’s the TV and there being enough of a signal change on the HDMI to trigger the DSM to wake itself up (when in active standby).

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Thanks for the clarification.

Switching off the TV seems to work, plus it saves of bit of electricity.


It’s here:

Selekt DSM installed and an enjoyable afternoon playing favourites in prospect.




Well done and enjoy.


So day 5 of extended home demo of Linn Selekt DSM Edition Hub fitted with dual stereo amps each with Organic DAC driving my Kudos S20A speakers in active mode. What I am hearing is very enjoyable and music to my ears, sorry bad pun. Mrs O is very happy with reduced box count - and also what she is hearing.

To me, one of the biggest differences I am noticing is that it is just that little bit less bright than what I had with my previous kit, Naim NC 200 series. I sometimes suffer from a bit of tinnitus and occasionally the Naim kit seemed to set it off, so far this has not happened with the new system.

There is a phase 2 planned for later in March, assuming I decide to keep the Linn system and am more attuned to the Linn sound, when I will try Kudos 606 in the room. I have demo’d 606s before with Naim kit and whilst I did like the sound over the S20A, money and space played a part in selecting the slightly smaller speakers at that time. We’ll see what transpires this time with Linn driving them in an active mode if the Linn system stays.


Same here … eager to see what this will bring :smiley:


There does appear to be quite a few demoing these one box solutions just now. One of its advantages is its ability to accept different modules depending on what kit you have and therefore can be adjusted to suit individual needs at the time. Obviously different DACs come at different price points but it does give a route for upgrade if required without having to change a whole box. Be interesting to see if Naim will adapt, say Uniti range, to provide similar options.

Goes without saying that the sound will not be to everyone’s taste but I think it is good to hear what’s on offer.

Am I right in assuming you are using just one amp module? Not aware that Dynaudio 40 can go active, happy to be told I’m wrong. Which DAC are you trying?


Hi Orac, you are right: currently playing with one power out module and Organik DAC.

Indeed, the modular approach appeals to me very much!



Mine is the same DSM set up as yours, but into the Titan 606s.

If you think the 20As are good, wait till you try the 606s; Stonking.

Assuming that you’re using KS-1 loudspeaker cable. ?


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Yes I am using Kudos KS-1 speaker cable. Was using WitchHat Phantom with the Naim boxes but have adopted Kudos cables for the active setup.

My dealer has also said that the 606s are very good when run active. My previous demo with them was passive being driven by NC250. They were very good in that guise, but as mentioned they are a little bigger than the 20A. Suspect that this will involve negotiation with Mrs O…

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So now a few days in with my new Selekt and it’s already cost me several planned early nights! At first I spent time trying to pinpoint the difference with my previous Klimax, eventually concluding that, amongst other things, there was some extra warmth and an added dose of realism. More organic, perhaps!

Then, suddenly I stopped analysing and it was shivers-down-the-spine time in music where I’d not had that sensation before and that’s how it continued until the early hours. And of course, that’s surely what it’s really about — emotional engagement with the music is so important.

Very happy with my purchase.



Hi @PeakMan Glad you are enjoying the new system.

I’ve just confirmed to my dealer that I am very happy with the Linn Selekt DSM Edition Hub fitted with dual stereo amps each with Organic DAC that I have on trial. It’s going to stay.


@Orac and @PeakMan

Told you it was good.

Welcome to the world of single box and enjoy it.



Didn’t you have a nova before?

I’m looking forward to your impressions. I exchanged the same device for Nova/ NAP250DR and I am impressed. Space optimization makes a lot of it.

Do you use the internal preamp for the TT or your Rega? I still have my gold note active



I now have the selekt Edition Hub with internal amp modul and Stereo Organik a little over a month and I am super happy.

I will focus on the topic of speaker cables soon.

For the future, I find it exciting that a better amp module is announced in another forum and also that the Kudos 606 is successfully operated with the Linn here.