Linn Selekt Journey

Looking good.

Regarding speaker cable I am using Kudos KS-1 with my set up. I do use Kudos speakers so there may be some synergy there. Still worth a listen when/if you decide to revisit your own. I personally have had NACA5 then went to WitchHat Phantom and now happily using KS-1.

Just going to see if I can find any detail on the better amp module you mention.

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That’s a beautifully elegant arrangement, though I’d be tempted to try the Selekt on the top of your unit. It looks so good and it must be a bit awkward to use that lovely control dial at floor level. At least it would be for an oldie like me!



I used Linn K20 speaker cable with mine, no issue with that.
Interesting to read of how the product is being evolved, leveraging the modular platform.
I was an early adopter of mine, having had it since 2019 and bought to be a 5.1 integrated I could evolve over time.
It certainly seems here that everyone has gone in at the Edition/Organik level which is probably where this product makes the most sense overall.
I’m having a restart in my case and replacing mine with an NSC 222 to pair with my NAP 250. I may revisit the Selekt again in the future, it’s certainly served me admirably these last 5 years :smiling_face:

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I asked my dealer could he check the price for a new lid for my Linn selekt dsm as I got a mark on it.He is letting on, he email Linn they haven’t got back to him yet I send a email to them myself, they were quick to get back to me it would put me off doing upgrades in his shop. I would like to go for the Organik Dac When I get the money up


Well worth doing. You will certainly notice it.


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Can you give some further details on this.



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I live in Belfast and I got a scrape on my Linn Selekt classic DSM the lid cost £518 plus VAT you would think your dealer Would check for you I have spent big money in the Hifi shop.

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I agree with you. But the usm Haller board has two small and one wide element and i would need a continuous plate. Since the tablare are customized from below for HiFi devices, I will probably leave it that way.


No, I read it only in another forum. The comment were from the beginning of 2023


Hi @Cledi13 … indeed I’m using the internal phono stage in the Selekt for the Rega P8. In my opinion it is a clear step up from the Rega Fono MC I was using before … unfortunately, I’m quite busy with work these days and not much time to listen but the first results are very good!

BTW: love your system pictures!



What MC setting do you have?

I only tried it short time and found 1.2mVrms was the best. That’s all that’s adjustable!?

However, I also think that my gold note PH10 with PSU is more comparable to the REGA ARIA MK3 MM/MC.

Your pictures are also always great :+1:

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When you are running in your Selekt dsm what is the best way to run it in do you have to play everything loud to run it in or can you play it low. How long does it take to run in thanks.

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The Utopik PSU upgrade for the Organik DAC is very seriously significant, at least to what it does to my Klimax DSM/3. I took the advantage of the promotion to swap my Ekos 2 to the Ekos SE with a free Utopik.


If there is any running-in time, it will likely depend on what cartridges are included. My Selekt has no power amps and SQ has not changed noticeably in the time I’ve had it, a whole week! Perhaps if power amp cartridges are installed there might be some change over the first few weeks, though I’ve seen suggestions that class D amps require less break-in.

I’d be inclined to ignore running in and just enjoy lots of music. That certainly works for me.



Don’t notice a big change in the first few weeks … with Class D Amp


Thanks mate for your reply.

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Should we make a Selekt experiences Thread in the hifi corner? I think many are changing at the moment and some are thinking about a change


Although this is the Naim forum.

It’s good that people are enjoying the Linn offerings but best to not take the p… :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m officially an outside observer now having replaced mine with a NSC 222 :control_knobs::man_dancing::+1:t2:
I pondered getting mine to the sweet spot of a Utopik/Organik stereo or even dual mono preamp, but the chance to get a brand new 222 for next to nothing cash wise was too tempting.
I had mine for 5 years and would still not hesitate recommending one, I was an early adopter, I’d say the Edition chassis with Utopik and Organik is where it truly shines, it’s just an expensive entry point for some.


I’ve certainly found the dual mono Organik/Utopik is a significant advance on my previous Klimax DS/1 which had the Organik upgrade. It would be interesting to hear a shoot out between my version of the Selekt and a Naim 332/333 pairing, which happens to be exactly the same price. I get the sense that there has been some convergence between the Naim and Linn sound worlds, but I’ve yet to hear a 3 series setup. When my dealer, who also sells Naim, came to set up the Selekt I did ask that question, but I’ll keep quiet about what he said. So much in audio is personal preference.
