Linn Selekt Journey

Compare back and forth. Had the Nova with 250DR. For me, the big difference is the space optimization and this has no Naim device :person_shrugging:t3:


I did do a demo at my dealer between 200/300 series and Linn. Both systems were playing into Kudos S20A. The Linn was dual stereo amp modules set up as active whilst Naim was 333 with 300 feeding 332 into NC250. For me to my ears the active Linn was more what I was looking for. 4 boxes versus 1 may also have subconsciously contributed. Others may well have gone down another route, we all have our own preferences.

Going to try 606 in a couple of weeks to see what they can add or not. 606 being slightly larger in size may contribute to decision as MrsO is not too sure about that.


Just listening to an album of choral music by Clare College, Cambridge by various Icelandic composers and the SQ is just stunning — shivers down the spine all the way! It was a jolly expensive purchase but, my goodness, it was worth it.



Glad that you’re enjoying it. I found the same.


What was the album title please, I notice there is more then one listed.


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I’ll post details on the classical music thread.



This is an interesting thread. I will be auditioning later in the year and have a couple of technical questions:

  1. Moving to a Selekt Edition hub will there be a reduction in quality in the in built phono stage, I currently use a Superline/Supercap DR with air plugs?

  2. If using the Organik DAC with power amps I understand they are only 50w per channel.

The two configurations I’m considering are the Edition hub with dual power amps and Organik DACs into Kudos T505 or Edition hub with mono pre out, Organik DAC into ATC SCM 40a.


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I don’t play vinyl so can’t answer first question. The stereo class D power amp cartridges are 50w into 8 ohms and 100w into 4 ohms.

I already had ATC SCM40As so went for the Edition hub with dual mono Organik and love the combination. The only change I wonder about is changing the speakers for active 50s, but I think I’ve spent enough this year!



Likewise, I can’t answer the first question directly as don’t have a deck. However, don’t forget that Linn do have their own range of Phono amps, so assuming a similar product in the Selekt;

  • Uphorik
  • Urika
  • Urika II

Yes, the power amps are 50w into 8ohms and to be honest, I haven’t found them lacking driving my Kudos Titan 606 speakers.



I only heard the internal preamp (mc) briefly. My first impression that my goldnote ph10 plus PSU is clearly better.

I have audiophysic Classic 25 and the Claas d amp is completely sufficient

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I’d expect the Superline setup to be noticably superior to the internal phonostage on the Selekt.
The RCA phono inputs are converted to digital and processed by the Exakt outputs as configured, so the audio is passed to the amp or line out modules as a digital Exakt input then handled by the DAC in the module.
I used mine with a MM cartridge on a Rega deck, the equivalent in my then SN3 was better performance.
I’d treat it more like a convenience feature in the Selekt, much like the headphone output is.


The digital conversion of the analog signal is also with the Nova. I never saw a disadvantage in it. TT sounds analogous to Nova and also Selekt. Advantage, space optimization is also applied to the TT.


I use Lejonklou Entity 1.2 phono amp into the Klimax DSM/3, smashing !!! I would be surprised if there is any phono amp sounds better than this little gem, my own opinion of course.

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Just wondering … the Selekt Edition Hub has a ‘SUB OUT’ , but … you need to have a DAC in order to put an analogue signal out, isn’t it?

Or does it have a second ‘simple’ DAC onboard for this purpose? Again, just wondering … :thinking:

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This is from Linn Docs, which might answer some of your questions.


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It’s an interesting change they implimented between the Classic (which I owned) and the Edition hub in so much that when I got mine, Linn positioned the Selekt as a surround capable product, originally you bought an empty hub and added what you needed seperately, they made that part cheaper if you combined the bits with the hub, that included a single and dual rail PSU with the more basic one being for simpler line out based configs. That approach proved a headache for dealers and they ended up just preconfiguring a few specific combos.
I had all the bits to do that in fact which included an HDMI module, surround processor board (which stacked on top the HDMI module) and the power amp modules/DAC’s that provide Fr L / Fr R, Rear L / Rear R, Centre Channel + LFE/Sub, filling all the 3 amp/line out modules.
The idea was you could also upgrade the front channels to Katalyst (this is all well before Organik appeared) and drive the rear, centre and sub with a more cost effective DAC, hence the Standard DAC option, which was intended mainly for that purpose originally.
That’s how I had mine setup originally, later making it a 2 channel integrated, and a preamp with lineout amongst other things.
The config I had was somewhat rare even back then, not many people bought it with that config in mind and as of 2022, Linn had issues sourcing the multichannel audio processor chips and discontinued supply of that surround processing board (which I had).
They did however do a revision of the HDMI module to add eARC, I had the original one with ARC only.
So the I/O changes they made on the Edition Hub reflect this change of focus for the platform and modular options from the original design, on the Classic Hub, there are SPDIF inputs where the SUB out is on the Edition hub for example.


I’m running the Selekt DSM: Edition Hub with two Stereo Power Out Amps and two Organic DACs into Kudos Titan 606 Loudspeakers and they are a wonderful combination.

A most enjoyable way of listening to music.



After running the system for a few months now, I thought that I’d give an update on where we are.

I have been playing around with cables and power supplies to the EE8 Network switch.

It’s funny that after trying different power supplies, as below, I found that the stock SMPS that came with the EE8 to be the best of them all.

  • EE8 Stock SMPS
  • iFI iPower 2 SMPS
  • iFI iPower Elite SMPS
  • Farad Super3 LPS

So have now settled on the configuration as per my signature and throughly enjoying streaming Jazz through Qobuz or Jazz24, based in Seattle.



Have you tried to upgrade cables on IFi Elite? For me it’s a major selling point of that device.

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On the iFI iPower Elite, I tried a Chord Shawline mains cable as well the mains cable that came with it.

But still preferred the EE8 stock SMPS.


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