Linn Selekt Journey

I have two questions re your lovely one box system. It looks brilliant.

  1. If you are running active speakers why do you need the 2 power amp modules?

  2. I thought if you had dual Organik mono DACs that there was then no room for the two amplifier modules. I guess this self evidently is not the case.

I will probably be heading in this direction this year.

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Thanks for your kind comments.

The speakers aren’t active themselves but can be run active by removing the crossover links and using an external crossover.

Hence the need for two Stereo Power Amp cartridges.

There are slots for three cartridges, but I’m only using two of them.


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There is an insert in the side of the amp modules for the DAC cartridges to I clip into. Have a look at YouTube.


You’re in for a treat. I currently run an Organik-upgraded KDSM into active ATCs. It suits my musical tastes to a tee and connects me with the musicians much more than any system I’ve ever had. At a recent show I heard a dual-Organik Selekt into the same speakers and felt it probably outperformed my setup, possibly because of the new Utopik power supply. And I do like the design, so I’m considering moving that way in the near future.



I concur.

My Selekt DSM; Edition has two Organik modules in the amps and sounds much better than the Klimax DS/3 Organik.

Very pleased I made the change.


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This has been a very interesting thread. I’m looking to set up something a bit more simple and the Linn Select DSM hub with say the Katalyst DAC modules in to a pair of ATC SCM 40a’s seems ideal, just need to set up a demo.


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Hi @Timbo

Glad that you like the thread, I enjoyed the journey.

As you’ve seen, I’ve really enjoyed the transition from a 10 box system to a single box system and yes, the Selekt is all that it is cracked up to be.

When you are ready, consider using Cymbiosis in Leicester, as they really know their stuff. They will also install it for you and set up SO.

Another to remember is that they do part exchange, which is what I did.

Please feel free to contact me if you need further info.


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Thanks @DiggyGun.

I do use Cymbiosis, got my LP12 from them and rely on them to sort out my Naim components when they need a service. However, to my knowledge they do no do ATC so will have to travel somewhere else to hear the combination I desire.

It will replace the system I have in the lounge which is ND5 XS2, SuperNait 1, HiCap DR into ATC SCM 19’s. Also have a Rega P9 with Ortofon Quintet Bronze and Musical Fidelity MX Vinyl phono stage.

Should free up a bit of room and also add to the simplicity and I’m guessing huge upgrade in SQ.



Hi Tim

I’ve been using Cymbiosis a number of years and when I had the LP12, Peter did all the fettling on that.

Just looked at your speakers and yes, too heavy to take with you for the demo. Maybe they have something with a similar sound that you could use for comparison purposes.

Hope you enjoy your new ventures.


I tried the Edition hub with dual mono Organik DACs in preamp configuration 15 months ago. It was used with my 250 dr and Ovator400s. I have never heard the 250r and ovators sound so good. It just goes to show that if the preamp/ DAC is top notch everything downstream performs at its best. Thoughts of eventually upgrading my amp and speaker evaporated.


Did you end up buying it or have you stayed with the 272?


Not as yet. I’m waiting for superannuation payout in July when I turn 65. If naim were still operating in NZ I’d just get the 222 which would be much more cost effective but probably not as good.


One benefit that I haven’t really touched on yet.


Both the NAP 250s hummed, one being much louder than the other. You could actually hear them from the listening position, when they were not playing. As I always left the kit on 24/7, something needed to be done.

After some investigating, confirmed that it was DC Leakage. After further investigations into cures, I used two IFI DC Blockers to reduce the hum. Now it did not get rid of the hum completely, but sufficiently so, so that you only hear it if you had your ear close to the amps.

The other thing I checked was to see if they degraded the SQ and I’m pleased to confirm that it didn’t.

With the Selekt DSM however, things are completely different, being a Switched-Mode Power Supply (SMPS), it is absolutely quiet and, in conjunction with the Standby mode, it’s saving money on the electricity consumption.

Having had the Selekt DSM for three weeks now, how are we getting on with it.

Firstly, it’s a doddle to use. The Linn App is very stable and it’s easy to swap between the Radio (Airable) playing Jazz24, playing albums from Qobuz and the TV through the HDMI ARC socket.

Secondly, I still have a massive grin on my face. The sound is very clear and detailed, you pick up very easily the subtle changes and nuances, particularly, in the percussion, (in Jazz, which is our main genre, there is a lot of percussion). Bass is well pronounced and deep, but very controlled some of the strings from the double bass are just so delicious.

A couple of nice things that I’m enjoying particularly so with some of the live recorded Jazz albums, is that you get to feel some of the atmosphere, even when they play a bum note or the Sax sounds a bit raspy. Its engaging and draws you in, making you want to listen more. Additionally, when watching a drama on the TV which has some suspenseful music for what’s about to happen, really makes you feel it.

I could go on listing a number of superlatives to describe it, but I think that you get the gist of what I’m trying to say.

My overall one word description would be a simple; stonking.

There was nothing wrong with the previous system, it’s just that circumstances allowed us to make the change and I’m really pleased that we did so.

For us, the Organik / Utopik combo just swings.

Enjoy your music and Hi-Fi.



I’ve not had too many problems with hum from the various Naim boxes I’ve had in the house, with one exception: an XPS which often seemed to be practising for the world humming championships. It was the only piece of hifi my long-suffering wife objected to.

I did consider keeping the 272 as front end when I bought my active ATC SCM40s but the humming XPS made that a no-no. I thought about swapping in a 555PS but didn’t want to spend that much, so started my journey via Auralic to Linn. We’re hum free now, including the power packs on the speakers and the Atom in my study.

Hurrah! (He said very quietly.)



I’m going to buy myself a retirement present in May as an upgrade from my Nova. It will probably be a 222/250 +/- an NPX 300. However, my local dealer (Billy Vee) also stocks Linn so I will definitely audition a Selekt Edition Hub with Organik. I will listen to the one box set up but more likely listen to a Selekt/ 250 combo. I have listened to lots of Linn set ups over the years but I just can’t get on with the Linn SMPS amps even at Klimax level - too ‘dry’ and ‘grey’ IMO. I think the last great Linn amp was the Klout ( I would say that - I used to own one!). However, we all have different tastes and I’m glad folks are enjoying their one-box Selekts. They really are very beautiful boxes


Upgrading from the Nova? Outrageous.


This is what I have currently, they pair nicely and it’s an easy system to live with. Linn’s Space Optimisation is also a useful addition not present on the Naim equivalents that can help tame a challenging listening space with great effect.


I know, Nigel. Entirely possible I may audition and then go ‘Actually, I’ll stick with the Nova’. However, this would really be my last hifi purchase as it’s my 60th and I think a 222/250 and the 25.21’s would see me off quite nicely.
TBH , my preference would be for a single box ‘Supernova’ but I don’t think it’s coming.
But you’re right - it’s largely the stupid, irrational desire to upgrade that’s driving this :wink:

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I’m sure a 222/250/300 with the PMCs would be wonderful, and still nice and neat. I recall upgrading from a SuperUniti to a 272/250DR and it was a huge improvement. If my hearing hadn’t gone bad I’m sure I’d have a 222/300/350s now. At only 60 you have - hopefully - many years ahead, you’ve worked really hard through difficult times and if anyone deserves an upgrade, it’s you. And it’s only a slice of the lump sum, so why not?


I confidently predict that if you listen to the linn, especially dual organic you will pick that over the 222😉