Linn Selekt Journey

Quite possibly but the dual Organik Selekt is £16k compared to the £5700 for the 222 so I would hope that it sounds better


You’re retiring in May? I’m retiring in 2 weeks. We should have a beer to celebrate?


We definitely should! Let’s link up by email.


It would be worth having an audition of Selekt as a standalone box.

I found it to be a big improvement over my previous Naim NAC 282, NAP 250 x2, SuperCap x2.

Also your dealer may offer part exchange, which may help. I got mine from Cymbiosis who were extremely helpful and accommodating.



Billy Vee is an excellent dealer. Although with my single Nova I have a lot less to p/x than yourself!

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Has any Linn DSM user tried the space optimisation with positive outcome?

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I use it on mine, you can create multiple versions and change between them quickly enough, there is a second or two as it is switched or enabled/disabled.
I modelled my listening space and played around mainly with the decay time to get the bass response to a point where it was interacting with the room less.
The main benefit I find with it enabled is I can listen to it louder with less fatigue and for longer periods of time. I could address the room in other ways with room treatment but this is easier and cheaper.


Thanks, sounds useful. I use Roon DSP to fix a pretty bad low frequency interaction in my room round about 30-40Hz. Just wondering whether this would do a similar job.

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After reading various opinions about its usefulness on another forum and Martin Colloms ‘Critic positive findings when reviewing the previous gen Klimax DS Katalyst, I decided to give it a go.

I spent some time reading the user guide (see SO in Linn Docs) and then a good few hours measuring my room with a laser measure and inputting the dimensions. My Kudos speakers were already modelled in the Linn software. Initial results were really good so I generated a few profiles with different flatter frequency response vs decay time settings to find the optimal setting for my room and preferences.


You now have a new job on the forum, congratulations😂


Oh dear :joy:


Pretty much what I did as well, it requires a degree of tuning to personal preference, the default gives you a valid starting point to tweak from.
You used to have a lot more flexibility to model manually using the Konfig app, which gives the end user local control and an application to manage the SO profiles.
Now it’s all done online using the Manage Systems section of your Linn Account. Once you’ve done the environment modelling you upload the raw data and Linn process this on their servers, a short while later the result is published to your device and away you go.

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Yes. I’d never heard of SO until I got my first Linn Klimax DS/3 Katalyst streamer. When Cymbiosis installed it, they set it up at that time.

When we recently, radically changed our system to the Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hub, Cymbiosis came down again, taking all the old gear and setting it all up the new DSM.

Part of this was tweaking the SO to accommodate the new changes to SO, for example, depth of openings, as we have a bay window.

Phil did the physical install and the system sounded good. He did the SO configuration and then turned it on. It was like a switch, everything just snapped into place, going from good to great, with Mrs DG commenting, “ What just happened?”

SO is very good and can add the final element to a good system when undertaken by someone who knows what they are doing. Certainly worth the time and effort to do so.



Thanks for that. It’s amazing how technology is developing - the room is such a large factor in what we hear, I can really see these type of systems becoming more and more popular. Also significant acceptance of a class D amps now.

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I’ve ended up mixing the benefits of both the Selekt DSM as a streaming preamp and a 200 Series NAP 250 which replaced a Supernait 3 and NDX 2.
One of the benefits of the Selekt is its modularity, allowing it to be reconfigured to different system requirements.
I originally bought mine to replace an Arcam AV amp to use as a 5.1 integrated.
I’ve also used it as a 2 channel integrated and now as a preamp.
You have 4 levels of DAC options as well (Standard, Katalyst, Organik Stereo or Dual Mono)
You can’t do that with a Nova.


Naive question alert… How good is the Linn app when controlling the Selekt DSM compared to the Naim App - for both music selection and of course, using it on day to day basis?

I’m just curious as to how user friendly each streamers first point of contact is, and how they differ.

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Yes. I’ve had good results using SO with my Organik-upgraded KDSM. It does take time to take the measurements and enter them into the software, but the result is worthwhile to my ears. An unexpected benefit was extra clarity in the midrange. This was a bit surprising as it only affects frequencies below 80 hz, unlike Dirac Live and similar.

According to my dealer, some listeners reckon it reduces warmth and they prefer not to use it, but for the mostly acoustic music I listen to, the effect is positive. And you can tweak the settings to taste, at least to some extent.



It’s very subjective and there’s not much in it, but I marginally prefer the Linn app. Particularly, I find the search function works a bit more smoothly for me.

If you have the facilities to run Bubble UPnP on your network, you can try the Linn app out. Just use Bubble to render your Naim streamer OpenHome compatible and the app should then be able to control it.


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I have no issues at all with the Linn App. It is always stable, links no problem to the DSM and links seamlessly with my Qobuz account.

Whereas when I had the Muso-Qb, had no end of problems, but that may have been down to the old broadband at the time.



I have some dealer visits coming up - sounds like I need to have a listen.

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