Linn Selekt Journey

I don’t find the Linn app that intuitive compared to the old Naim app. As with my previous NDX2, most of my interaction with the Linn is via Roon so i have little need to use it. One other benefit in our house is that the Linn it still uses good old IR rather than RF (Zigbee) so it integrates with our Harmony universal remote when it’s on sound duties for movies and TV.


Not a lot in it, I use both (Linn/Naim native) and Roon.
The Naim app has a better layout and navigation but the linn app is typically fast and responsive, the Naim one can be a bit laggy (for me) on occasion.
I would note that firmware updates on the DSM are fairly frequent showing proactive support. You can toggle Beta releases on/off relatively easily on the DSM if that’s of use/interest as well.
Roon trumps them both from an ease of use and discovery perspective.


@PeakMan @DiggyGun @james_n @Mr.M Thanks all - that’s very helpful. I’ll check out Bubble as I’ve never ventured beyond Asset, so that will be an interesting option, especially if the Linn App can be sampled as it were.


I’ve stopped using SO, because of the way the Living Room in my new home looks like, plus a very steep staircase + a high non-rectangular ceiling (not shown here):

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It has its limitations!

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Yeah, I have been trying to figure out various combinations without any positive results, so I give up, and use the HQPlayer instead to do the DSP upsampling and with some suitable HQPlayer filters, I get some nice uplifting in bass, my wife confirms the results without knowing what I have done.

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Having a bit of a play tonight.

Using a Chord Company EE8 Switch, but with a Farad Super3 LPS and the Level 1 cable for a while now. Previously, was using a IFI iPower2 SMPS, but sold that when I got the Farad.

So, I thought as I haven’t used the stock EE SMPS, I thought that I would give that a try and see if there is any difference, good or bad.

I know that Chord Company do not recommend a LPS, as they state;
The AV-grade power adaptor has been designed to reduce electrical noise from AC power and prevent mains quality issues from affecting the network signals. It also boasts high power efficiency, a no-load power consumption < 0.075W and protection from short circuit, overload and over-voltage.

Switches require high speed power supplies so we could not opt for a linear power source due to their speed limitations. We set about improving the power signal by using an extremely high-quality wall supply. This clean supply permits an optimum quality network signal, driven by high-accuracy TCXO clock technology.

Now back to the Test Playlist to see what I think.


If your rabbit hole isn’t broken, there’s no need to fix it.


That rabbit hole has been back filled.

I found the original EE8 SMPS power supply, which I never tried previously, when tidying up some HiFi boxes in the loft.

Thought I’d give it a go and see what it’s like.

Mind you, I might find it better.


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Selekt DSM incoming! I’ve gone for the Edition hub with full-fat dual-mono Organik DACs to feed into my active ATCs. Three to four week wait, so I’ll have to slum it with my current Klimax DSM for a little longer!

My dealer is a fan of the sub output of the Selekt, and he’ll be pressing me on a suitable REL sub(or subs) but I’ll need to get used to my new toy before exploring that direction.



Hi Roger, did you compare your current DSM to the Selekt? If so, what were your findings?

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Sounds a good match for your ATC’s, I’m arranging a demo of the same Linn Select configuration with my SCM40A’s. Will follow your experience with interest.


Look forward to hearing how you get on with it. I have active 40’s that I front with 552/NDS/555dr - a one box solution remains appealing especially as you can upgrade, as my dealer says, it’s a digital LP12!

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Yes, the Selekt is definitely an improvement, not in any particular area, but just gives even more of what I enjoy about the SQ of the Klimax. I did briefly consider going all the way to the Klimax DSM/3 as there’s a good trade-in offer until the end of the month. But I found the top Selekt version sufficiently close that I couldn’t really justify the extra hit on the wallet.

I’m also shallow enough to really like the Edition hub. There’s going to be a bit of reorganisation of the lounge so I can have it close to the listening position. I won’t be able to resist fiddling with that knob!




You will enjoy it.

Was a good move for us.


Sounds great. Did you have a chance to compare it against an Organik and/or Utopik’ed version of the “old” KDSM?

What have you done with regard to the “free” Utopik you get for any Linn purchase?

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My KDSM has already had Organik upgrade but not Utopik.


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I hope you’re enjoying it. How long did it take for your system to run in mate. I have Linn selekt dsm with katalyst dac


It’s very hard to say how long running in took as I find it difficult to distinguish between changes in sound and changes in my perception. The Linn replaced an Auralic Vega 2 (which in turn replaced a 272) and when it first went in to my system I thought it was a significant upgrade, though the Vega held up well. Several months later I was playing around and put the Vega back into the system, temporarily. My first reaction was where have the musicians gone? The immediacy and life had gone missing and that’s comparing with a very good pre/streamer. I’m not sure whether that answers you question, but it’s the best I can do.

And that Organik DAC really is something special, you won’t regret if you decide to upgrade at some point.



Thanks mate.

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