Linn Selekt Journey

Linn selekt dsm with katalyst I have Rega aethos amplifier. Would making Linn selekt dsm with katalyst in to and all in one. Would I Be down grading.

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This is slightly off topic, apologies, I’m looking for a second system and I’m intrigued by the Linn Selekt DSM. In my world I think I’m in a bit of a Naim sweet spot with my ND5 XS2, NDac, SN3/HiCap Kudos Super20a, SQv£ wise… I wonder where the Linn will take me… Is the Selekt Edition worth the extra 5k and where would the Katalyst pitch me versus my humble system. I do like the idea of an active system and wondering what the sensible starting point is and where the options might take me in the future. I haven’t read a bad thing about the Linn Selekt. I will be listening soon enough and for now, forming my thoughts before I start hogging the dealers time. Your opinions are very much appreciated. :+1:t3:

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Certainly not off topic.

When I first was looking for a streamer and did some demos up at Cymbiosis, I much preferred the sound of the Linn streamers compared to the Naim streamers, much more detail and better presentation.

As a result of that, I ended up getting the Linn Klimax DS/3 Katalyst streamer, which I used very happily with my Naim amplification for about 18 months.

As you can see from this thread, I had always planned to go Organik, which I did do, via a different route.

To try and answer your questions, Linn streamers work well with Naim amps and Kudos speakers. However, the Selekt DSM; Edition Hub was on a much higher level and, to me, well worth the money.

As I have found out now using it a while, the Selekt works great in an active mode direct to the speakers.

Do I notice a difference from Naim. Yes, it’s a different presentation with much more detail and involvement with the music.

Do I have any regrets. No, best move that I’ve done and thoroughly enjoying it.

Don’t know where you are based, but well worth a trip to Cymbiosis for a demo.

Hope that helps.




I’ve been using the Chord Company EE8 supplied, stock SMPS power supply for a while now and to be honest, prefer it to the Farad Super3 LPS that I was previously using.

Played my Test Playlist quite a few times with both power supplies and there is a difference in the sound presentation between them. The stock EE8 SMPS power supply appeared to be more vibrant, more musical, faster and more toe-tapping.

To me, it was just more enjoyable, more engaging and you could get involved with the emotion of the music more. It looks like Chord got it right with their choice of power supply.

I think, as with anything that we change, there is always a difference. But the questions are, do we like what it does and do we want to keep it, providing we can afford it.

The good news is, that on this occasion it hasn’t cost anything to do. The SMPS came with the EE8, it’s just that I hadn’t tried it previously as initially I got an iFI Power2 SMPS at the same time and used that from the outset.

The iFI Power2 SMPS was sold on when I got the Farad Super3 LPS.

Consequently, the Farad LPS and associated cables can be moved on.



Thanks DG, that’s helpful regarding the Organik and Selekt Edition. For me the question is at what level to start, treat as a DAC only, or go directly to amplification and if so active or passive. As it’s a new system I have an open mind on speakers. I suppose like all of these my ears will have to persuade my wallet. The other thing I do need to settle is how on earth can just one box sound so good!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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If you get the DSM with the Stereo Power Out Cartridge and DAC Modules, this will be all you need for a one box (passive) system.

The options at this stage, will be what DAC do you want; Standard, Katalyst or Organik.

This will get you stared with options for upgrade later on.

These could include staying passive and upgrading the DAC, or going active and upgrading the DACs at a later stage.

Don’t forget though, when you upgrade the DAC Module, you can PX the old one for the new one, which may help when allowing for upgrades.



I reckon I need to listen to a passive Katalyst/Organik set up as a first step. Otherwise it’s how long is a piece of string… Good to know that you’re happy with your set up. Cheers :+1:t3:

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The Linn is a clever box but sounds different to Naim, detailed and polite from the Linn and much more “I demand you to listen to me” from Naim.

A demo before jumping in would be wise.



Yes, good to have a balancing view. I’m conscious that the convenience and flexibility of upgrade etc could have more sway than it should. Again it’s back to the ears. I suppose to refine the question; do you have to be at the Organik level to make it sufficiently compelling…


I had my heart set on the Linn Selekt DSM Katalyst. Setup a demo and took my tube headphone amp etc but sadly it was a little too polite for me. Shame I wasn’t able to demo the Organik DAC as that may have been different. It was then they popped the VEGA G2.2 on, which was something I hadn’t considered but I really enjoyed that… felt more dynamic with a bit better stage depth. I was after a one box solution, Streamer / DAC and the VEGA G2.2 offered this as a Roon endpoint or Auralic LDS app.

The Linn is definitely worth a demo, looks gorgeous. The ideal is if you can get a listen of the Linn Selekt, Auralic VEGA and Naim Streaming / DAC solutions before pulling the trigger.


I had the Klimax DSM with organic dac on demo at home. Transparency and detail of sound was wonderful but it didn’t make my foot tap like Naim.

Have a listen before diving in for sure.



Agree re “polite” description.

I like the one box concept but it didn’t do enough for me. Shame as I really wanted to like it….


I agree, Linn is a different presentation from Naim as you describe so well.

We mainly listen to Jazz and the Linn presentation suits that genre of music. Maybe that is perhaps why it works so well for us, but maybe not so for others.

As others have advised as well, best thing is to have a demo to then determine if it is what one wants.

At this sort of level with Linn and Naim, there is no bad, just different.



Indeed DG, the sound is different to Naim not better/worse per se…

I had become a little frustrated with Naim and multiples boxes (had an issue and it was a nightmare to diagnose…)

I tried the Linn and a high end Chord system at my dealers. I liked the Linn enough to home demo ergo I think it sounded great but for my ears and music at home I preferred the Naim sound.

The Linn had plenty of strengths so it is a personal preference thing for sure but I do like the design and approach of the linn.


I think you’ve just saved me a few ££. Thanks!

Although you’re not selling your Farad very well…

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I’ve owned my Selekt DSM in various configurations for a while now and have been able to adapt it to multiple setup requirements.
The level of modularity and setup control is hard to match, in particular Linn’s Space Optimisation and ability to mix and match outputs, to for example add a Sub easily or improve the DAC performance without having to trade in a £10-15k box.
I got mine originally to replace an Arcam AVR surround amp so have all the bits to use as such. I’ve also had it setup as a 2 and also 2.1 integrated and now use it as a preamp and digital source using balanced XLR output.
I was able to make additions incrementally over time and mix and match or reconfigure to my needs as they evolved.
The best it offers is where the Organik DAC is involved, but you can work your way towards that over time and it’ll still perform capably on the way.
I’ve found the pairing with the NC NAP250 to give a nice blend of both brands house sounds.


So what’s the connection to the 250, is it balanced XLR to XLR? What cable are you using for that?


It is yes, the Naim one that came with the NAP250.


I think the Farad is a very good LPS, but maybe not the optimum for the EE8.

I will eventually move it on, if I can’t use it elsewhere.


Eventually? Within the week I’d say :wink: