Login Problems

Its not just me then, I got logged out of everything, phone, iPad and iMac.

Could i remember my bloody password!

I do not know the ‘discourse’ app. I just access the forum through Safari. Both old iPads have the same problem - a blank web page. All other web sites are appearing normally. I can access the Naim Community pages on my desk top computer (which I’m using to write this post) and my wife can see it on her Mk 4 iPad mini. It has only been a problem since this morning. It was working fine yesterday.

OK Thanks Clive. I’ll ask our WD and see what he thinks.

Thanks, Richard.

I was in London for 2 days and was logged out on IPad and IPhone, had to wait to get home to check my password. Randomly this morning it then logged me in before logging me out again. I have now found the login via email button sends me a link which logs me in, so I don’t need to remember my password.

@Richard.Dane was your web developer able to identify what had been done? The problem reported above still persists.

Clive, it seems it’s down to Discourse who provide the forum platform. Only solution for older OS is to try a different browser. One suggestion is to try Chrome…,

Thanks, Richard, I’ll give it a go.

Please let us know if you’re successful.

Unfortunately it didn’t. I tried loading other browsers too, but they’ve all been upgraded to a point where they’re no longer compatible with my iOS, which is limited by the iPad itself. New iPad shopping I guess.

That’s a shame. Thanks for trying though and letting us all know.

@Richard.Dane it looks like the problem is back.

If I flick the naim forum webpage away on my iPhone using safari it logs me out, as the next time I goto the forum I have to login again. I guess the Webdev has made changes again.

In fact it’s worse than that, if I flick safari away with the page open, it logs me out.

Thanks John. I’ll ask our WD if anything has been changed or updated.

Could anybody else confirm they are experiencing a similar issue? Thanks.

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The issue seems to have disappeared in the last 20mins, will keep an eye on it. Thanks

It’s been happening to me since I joined. I had just assumed that it was ‘timed out’ protocol that was being operated.

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