Long-gone, once-had or childhood system pics

:small_blue_diamond: Hollow,…Here we are not talking about 1.73 grams in Needle-pressure :grin::grin:.


Something very similar to that was my introduction to recorded music, though my parents only had about 20-30 records. At age of about 8 I was allowed to use it myself, my favourite of their collection being Beethoven’s Egmont overture - which occupied a whole side. IIRC we changed the needle every day of play - they didn’t last like diamond styli!

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I had forgotten about my very last system before I converted over to Naim. I had the following preamp/bi-amp chain:

This was at a time (later 80s/early 90s) when if you called the Hafler company, David Hafler himself answered the phone.

Running these for speakers, with my previously pictured Altec 9s were the bottom unit, and these giant (~ 3 feet tall) electrostatic ribbons on top as shown here:

Thank God for Naim…

Anywhere around 1kg is fine🙂

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:small_blue_diamond:Swedish speaker Mumma Audio Mosen,…A really,really,really good speaker.
It is also ideal for Tube amps.
They came out in 1993,…and were manufactured to 2008.
I have still mine,but haven’t played them for a long time.




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Yes, but Naim Anoraks seem to be in abundance in this place, and I include myself!


My life in music reproduction:







I owned the D70 in the 90’s had new tubes and rebiased.Ken Kessler said it was the best power amplifier in the World.

Ah the trick was to twirl the pencil with your tongue and lips.

Or to get the girlfriend to steer while you concentrated on the tape.

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‘My’ first system. It was really my parents, but I had near exclusive use of it :smile:

I don’t know what the speakers are. The y were horn loaded but since no grill, I don’t know the brand.
(stock pictures as I have none from that time).

Unknown-1 Unknown


I always loved the look of those Quad products


I had forgotten my parents’ owning this when I was a teen.

Wow! :grinning:

My folks had one of those too.

Loved my Quad …went from the 33 to the FM4/44 etc

I have always liked the 70’s and 80’s Quad look, I am surprised that I haven’t seen other manufacturers with something similar. Perhaps Braun produced similar minimalist designs ? By Dieter Rams I believe.



After my parents’ nice system, I bought a Sony integrated with small speakers and a Goldring Lenco record player. I couldn’t find pictures of the Sony.

A year into university, I bought a Pioneer system. Couldn’t;t find the speakers or record player, but this was the amp/tuner:


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Then, in 1981, I became a flat earther :smile:

First was a black Linn Sondek LP12 with Basik arm and the included cartridge:


The Linn did had the big square red power button. The one in the picture is the Valhalla upgrade, which of course I eventually got.

The free cartridge got replaced with:


Then the Basik gave way to an Ittok and this beautiful baby:


Amplification was:


and to round off the system that served for the next 12-13 years:

Unknown-3 Unknown-3.jpeg


alba-442 My first record player way back in the 70s was an Alba 442 like this one. It was the size of a small suitcase, but could be lugged around so just qualifying as portable. The external speaker clipped inside the lid for transport. On one of these I played my first vinyl purchases - T-Rex - Ride a White Swan and Neil Diamond - Cracklin Rosie.


The Alpha One was the first player I ever bought when I was about 14. It was amazing at the time. Though I remember I moved onto a Linn Mimik II after a couple years.Which oddly enough had the exact same naff Sony mech in it.

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