Long-gone, once-had or childhood system pics



:small_blue_diamond:I’ll take another one at once,…this below is a speaker-system that I had a shorter period around 1980,if I remember correctly.

It is the French manufacturer 3A’s subwoofer-table with speakers.

3A Subwoofer-table with built-in amplifier.

3A speaker to 3A subwoofer-table.

:black_small_square:I never got this to play as I wanted,my knowledge of system-installation was almost zero at the time.
So it was probably due to me,…not on this 3A-system,that it did not play well in my home.


Sorry Peder, yes, the pics ran so close together on my phone screen that I thought they were all yours. Indeed as Richard surmises my post related to @Yeti’s post just before yours.

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the reply was for mbl speakers i think, Peder.

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Yes, I’d meant to put this in the how it looks thread, any chance of moving it Richard?

Yeti, I’ve moved it for you.

That is the type of equipment I expected to see more of. I haven’t even found any pictures of the very early vac amps but they were black and gold with nice tubes showing. I think it was vac pa 90/100

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Hi, very nice amp indeed. I did not own it unfortunately but at the time I had an excellent listening session at a dealer with the Unisis and a pair of Ruark Templar, very nice set up :yum:

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It took me awhile to google (and also remember), but I don’t think the 3004 was around for long. The 3014 is/ was more familiar and was a " dragon killer" and at the end of tandberg life their was a 3034 Malaysian(?) built machine.

:small_blue_diamond:I saw this picture posted in a Naim-group on Facebook,…I thought I should show it here too.

:black_small_square:Anyone here who remembers this bag/cloth-bag.?


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:small_blue_diamond:Benjy,…Yes,.some VAC-amps are very beautiful.

:small_orange_diamond:Mojo_65,…Yes,…Tube Technology Unisis is nice.
When the pipes are lit and it is dark in the room,so it shines incredibly beautiful.

300B-amps are a bit boring,because the tubes do not shine as beautiful as on this Tube Technology.


:small_blue_diamond: Benjy,…VAC-amps.


Nice and leaves so little space to vacuum. Also,probably provides heat in the winter - but I’m jealous - I want it.

Looking at that Akai R2R I can still remember sitting with my now Father in Law trying to fish out a switch ball bearing from the chassis over a few beers. After 3 hours and successful surgery my Wife as she has been for over 30 years was most unimpressed!

Her Dad still has and uses the Akai!

Correction, the surgery was to the Akai, not my wife😂

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Peder -
I just watched the vac video (again) you posted. I had no idea my system (all naim) shared so much with the vac system - WE BOTH USE THE SAME RECORD CLEANING BRUSH.



be careful Peder, this system is not yours. You can be flagged and burned like a chicken! french chicken.:rofl::partying_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Terry O’Sullivan of Loricraft/Garrard now owned by SME is the guy to talk too.


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Belonging to my Grandparents; Edison Bell complete with some old 78’s and original box of needles, from around late 1920’s or 30’s I’m guessing, still works too!