Losing the 202

Doesn’t feel that way to me to be honest. Loving music every night. Have a plan. Contemplating an interim plan. No-one will die if the interim plan doesn’t happen.

Just had one of the integrated for home demo arrive. Anyone who tells you that today’s integrateds can’t match or outperform pre/power etc. needs their hearing testing.

I’ve got a week to listen to this and tonight has been full of wow moments. There’s one aspect I’m not e Turkey convinced by but I’ve a week to see how things develop so I’m not about to rush to judgement.

My Naim amplification and power supplies came in around £4K circa 2008. This would cost £5k and reduce 4 boxes and associated cables down to 1 box etc. It is streets ahead of the Naim on all fronts. Genuinely surprised by the gap.

What Integrated do you have for the home demo?

Sounds encouraging and hope it works out to be what you are looking for.

Borrowed a Decware Zen Torii Mk. 5 and some Zu speaker cable from a work colleague who until recently I did not realised had similar interests. Wasn’t really part of my audition plans but the opportunity came up so…

My first time with valves and it’s doing things I’ve only read about. Was advised to try it on the 8pm tap ahead of the 16ohm despite my speakers being 16ohm and I think that’s good advice. For my smallish living room it’s wondrous. I’ve never had 3D sound stage before and it’s not something which was top of my list of priorities but

First night and I’m very tired as it’s my first week back at work so I don’t wholly trust my ears but I can suddenly, finally see some attraction in tubes. Can’t see Mrs. H. buying in because of it being valves but also because the look is a little home made and doesn’t really fit the aesthetic of our living space. However, he’s on holiday for a week and a lot can change in that time so let’s see. We’re having a particularly challenging time domestically so it’ll be interesting to see if our stresses can be alleviated this way in the coming nights.

To my surprise I’m not entirely as entranced by vocals as I thought I would be but… early days and I am of the mindset where, rather than instantly say “I don’t like that” I prefer to live with stuff and see the extent I adapt to and get used to it.

Thanks for the information and enjoy the week ahead!

Even if it is not a good fit hopefully you get some relief from the stress.

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