LP12, lid on or off?

i struggle to find differences between lid on or off. Maybe a slight more dynamic and clarity when off, but so minimal that i am not quite sure. ( on rega rp8).


:small_blue_diamond:One of the problems when we talk about these things,.is the difference in knowledge and experience.

You have to be with,.and see and hear to understand…it is the only way to learn.
Some are hobby-mechanic,.some is F1-mechanic…and all there between.

:black_small_square:Some puts not up their system themselves,.and may then just get out 70-75% of the systems capacity (this has I written about earlier).
:black_small_square:Some have for decades acquired itself knowledge,and experience in systeminstallation.

All these,.shall then met each other in such a thread here,.and share experience and knowledge,.the risk that it is possible to go wrong is obvious…or how.

:black_small_square:Let me take an example from our group,.about to seek knowledge and experience.
We have a swedish Linn forum since 1999 called Selleri,.where we also discussed Naim.

A friend of mine (which is incredibly knowledgeable in system-installation),.he have visited 100 members on this forum around in Sweden.
The reason was,.He wanted to see and learn how their system played.

Everyone on this forum uses the same evaluation method.
And all he visited had top-systems,.most were active.
He himself has two active top-systems.
He lives in northern Sweden,.it is 1000 km only to Stockholm,so this project took some time.

:black_small_square:He said later,.when he has visited everyone,.that…

:small_orange_diamond:"Everyone thought that their system played well,.but they do not know How It Can Play.
I would say that 90% of the systems played,.Not bad,but also not good."

It was his rating of this project,.when he visited 100 forum members with top-systems around Sweden.
He and I have installed systems together for others,.and shared a lot of knowledge and experience.
I got to know him,.when he contacted me and wanted help with installing his large active Linn-system,.which he had trouble getting to play well.

In another project,.he went around to all Linn-traders in Sweden.
The reason was to see,who made the best Set-up on an LP12.
Just think of it,.down to Gothenburg is it 1350km one way :grin:.
So his LP12 has traveled all over Sweden in a few laps.

But for him there are no limits.
Knowledge and experience are the most important,.to get the best possible soundquality.

Therefore,.there can be a bit wrong,.when people with such great differences in knowledge and experience,meet each other in such a thread like this,.and starts a hard discussion.

I think it can be an advantage,.if we show respect for each other’s knowledge and experience.
And do not try to ridicule it with irony.
Gladly a hard discussion,.But with respect.

Some here,may remember those who showed their “ugly face” at the beginning of my “LP12-Radikal Problem” thread.
Later when they understood the extent of the problem,.they became rather quiet :wink:.

For some here are hobby-mechanic,.some is F1-mechanic…and the most of us are there between.

:black_small_square:As an example,.I appreciate a lot to read about @Darkebear experiences.
It feels like we are on the same “fanatical level” :grin:

I put in @Camphuw picture,.I think it symbolizes what this post is all about.



NO NO FR… fan off is much better :wink:

sorry Annalogg, but here in France we made the test. Mr Fanboy conducted the test with hundred persons in his house. Everyone agreed that it was better listening to music without the fan noise rush.
If it’s not the case for you, i recommend you to see an ENT specialist :star_struck::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


lidgate: to lift the lid off poor LP12 set-up

Once left the lid down. Static build up lifted the tone arm up with the lid. Just manged to get a finger under the falling tonearm.

If not - i believe my cart would have been very badly damaged


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I’ve only ever played my LP12 with the lid off. When I bought it back in 1987 that’s what the dealer suggested so that’s what I did, and force of habit/inertia has meant that’s what I’ve always done.

I’ve never done a lid on/lid off comparison because, to be frank, up until now I haven’t been bothered. Maybe one of these days, when I’ve got too much time on my hands, I’ll give it a go.

I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to approach something like this. If person A thinks it sounds better with the lid on, then it is; if person B thinks it’s better with it off, then it is. As simple as that. Nothing to get het up about.


… that’s the beauty of the RP8 and RP10 … the outer plinth and its lid aren’t connected to the turntable (inner plinth) itself, so there shouldn’t be a difference (I guess) :grinning:

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I’m lazy…lid on but up.
If it wasn’t connected by the hinges, then I’d take it off.
I don’t like to slide the hinges off, I don’t want to scratch the plinth

I removed my hinges from the lid and added some sort self-adhesive buttons at each corner. I just lift the lid off when not in use and when it’s on it doesn’t slide about.

i put it off recently, but i agree, it’s not fun.

I have considered, but I live in CA…one little shake and the lid is gonna slide off and do damage. Or my 15 year old bouncing around will

But a big quake and the whole Fraim is gonna tumble anyway, so who cares

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Fine, I’ll try off


Back in the 80s when I was on the Rega planar 2 to Planar 3 to LP12 journey I used to decide on such things as supports and lids on off by pushing the the poor cartridge into feedback, deeming the harder I could push the volume before inducing feedback meant better isolation.
Don’t ask me the results now though, seemed important to me at the time… Now I have hundred more important issued to worry over, actually getting time to listen in peace is one.

Another one was to wap the volume up really high with stylus sitting static on an lp or in a silent test groove and try to decide if the cone flap was higher or lower in different configs.

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100 percent lid off the deck completely while playing

It would be odd if you only had 99% of the lid off…


50% is lid off but up.

“It would be odd if you only had 99% of the lid off…”

Ok then …96% …that’s lid off…but hinges left attached to plinth …

Wow… hinges left on the plinth when lid off… another variable to play with in this crazy world of hi-if :crazy_face: