LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

Fear not Mike :grinning:


Thanks. I’m doing this without any demo’s. as the options are limited to a couple of different spec’d decks with different arms and carts, and different amps - to the extent of probably being meaningless. So, I trust my dealers (and posters) advice that each step up with the LP12 components is an improvement, and that my order is the right one. I’m basically pitching a Seleck level, but with the Ittok and OC9 cart.

@Bevo sent me down this path, so he’ll get the bill if it doesn’t work out :smile::smile::smile:

I’ve actually had some buyers remorse (I’ve paid for the parts already), mostly due to declining economic situation here and impact on work and income. But it is saved for, and intentionally locked in before retirement. I’m sure once I spin some records on the new deck, that will all pass. The 552/300 deserve a higher spec’d deck fronting it :sunglasses:


I like your mind set Mike. Sorry to read about the economic issues but as you wrote the positive is your amps will fully exploit the improved source and it’s great retail therapy. Let us know how you get on.


I had my deck at similar level to what you’re doing Mike, but with Ekos 2 and Lingo 1 and Dynavector XX2MK11. I could have happily lived with it there.

The upgrades will make your turntable outstanding.

Then it’s done!


How is your LP12 sounding after a certain amount of run in Dan? Better than when first installed?

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I get blamed for everything Mike :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::grinning:

But you should be really happy

Agree that it’s good to lock in all of this before retirement. I’m thinking of buying 5 pairs of shoes before they give me the flick at work , the last pair they can burn with me :skull:


The Urika 1 and KRadikal 2 were brand new so I would say any hars edges have done now after a few weeks. It certainly sounds better. It is very revealing. So certain records with poorer production sound good but when you hear something with great production it’s like Wow!

I am very very happy with it.

I have done alot in one hit so it’s all very full on. Both sources now sound superb and the ampljfication is superb.

I’m not finding any weakness in my system now.


That’s brilliant news. Your system is very well balanced and just so very very good.

My karousel and Krad2 are new and with a re terminating Chord cable from Urika to pre I expect the sound to get even better. Happy days Dan!


Yes Bart and then COVID messed everything up :unamused: Anyway, I’m pleased you are getting on well with your Solstice and still posting here.

Anyway, regarding third party parts for the LP12, there are as you might expect… Some good and some not so good mentioning no names out of respect to the mods.
Linn are continually looking to improve all the products they make and it is surprising that they haven’t moved away from the springs, although they have improved them over the years. Maybe it’s because they just work and sound better than any other solution if correctly fitted. Plus a full set of springs, bushes, washers and nuts is only about GBP20.00 and so hardly costly for any DIY enthusiast.




I’m focusing on enjoying the music now. Prior to this I wanted the 552DR and LP12 upgrades. The the NDS was lacking so needed TLC, so various network and power supply upgrades.

Now it feels that the system is done.

Record cleaning machine up and running. Buying, cleaning and listening to lots of vinyl.

It’s now got to the point where it’s all very satisfying.

Intend to buy more vinyl and enjoy this beast of a system I have worked so hard to build up.


Very sensible Dan. Of course you’ll forgive us for thinking that another upgrade might yet come :wink:


Dan, Buying more vinyl is a fabulous idea… I’ve just done a bit of that myself!


Of course I’d like to buy stuff. But I have spent alot on upgrades to say the least! Need things to settle down.

Focusing on health, work and family!

The system is mega!

But you know me too well Cohen. There are certainly things on wishlist.

And I’m sure you can hazard a guess what will come in due course!


We will wait for an official Statement. :scream: :rofl:


Would be rather nice. Unfortunately full Statement is out of my budget! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I know exactly what you are looking at and it does make sense to finish things off. Nothing like a good triple between 1 and 10 with a November Delta in front phonetically speaking :+1:


I think you have caught my drift.

But I really need to let things sink in. Tbh the upgrades are fantastic but overwhelming because everything has changed.

Letting things bed in makes sense. Enjoying vinyl and streaming.

And when I feel the need I will complete the system.

If I got it now I don’t think I would enjoy it as much.

I want to really get into my system and what it can do.

The EE8, Farad Super3, Audioquest Vodka and new Naim 555PSDR have made great differences to my streaming source.

I don’t feel that experimenting with cables at that stage is right. It’s bloody good. And if I do get ND555 that’s the time to experiment once that has bedded in.

So for now, gonna enjoy buying, cleaning and listening to vinyl.

How are you getting on with your beast of an LP12?


It’s just so good Dan. Better for 24 hours power up with a very low noise floor and lovely integrated yet open sound. Surface noise is virtually non- existent. Peter S was very impressed yesterday with how the deck sounded in my system. Always good to have confirmation as I only really hear my own set up. I’ve bought a few new albums during the past few months even though I couldn’t play them. All sound better on my LP12 than through the ND555. Having said that if I only had the streamer I’d be perfectly with the way it sounds if you get my drift.


The KRadikal 2 is seriously good isn’t it? All the things you have done with your LP12 will make it shine. It’s different to mine with different cart, Stiletto and Scorpion and Aro arm. You’ve done the comparisons between them and I haven’t. I specifically wanted LP12 Klimax and that’s what I have. I’m glad that you are enjoying your LP12, especially with previous debacles with Solstice and SME. I guess LP12s can be the best afterall! (Don’t expect everyone to agree!)

I wasn’t going to get Urika 1 or Ekos SE or Kandid. I was also thinking of getting ARadikal 1. Was going to stick with Ekos 2, Tom Evans phonostage and Dynavector XX2MK11. But I thought about it overnight and thought I may as well go the whole hog and get it all done in one hit.

I really listened to @Skeptikal on this one, with KRadikal 2 and Urika 1. I thought I don’t want to keep messing around with the deck! And now it’s done I am delighted with the LP12.

It’s done and with 552DR and 500DR it’s a mighty system. Speakers are amazing too!


Well I agree with Skeptical. The krad2 is just a great P/S. Even die hard Geddon owners should give one a listen IMO and I preferred the Urika 1 to SC/SL which took me completely by surprise. That conclusion was reached listening through a deck close to your spec. I think the keel fundamentally improves the ARO and I prefer it to the Ekos but I could live with the Ekos on your spec deck very happily. Also the karousel bearing is just sooo good. I wasn’t completely sold on the cirkus or the early Lingo but these latest mods lift the LP12 into a deck that can be compared well with many other high end designs IMO. My deck is the best that I’ve heard for sure.