LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

I’m listening to Meddle again on LP12, now deep cleaned and now I can hear where there are some scratches at the start. But after 30 seconds. Wow! OMG this sounds unbelievable. It’s an old LP. The detail, the precision and beauty of it all.

These LP12’s can sound incredible!


Great album. Peter wanted to hear “Two Suns in the Sunset” from “The Final Cut” album. It sounded brilliant


I will check it out. I have that on vinyl too. Got them all on NAS from my sons complete collection of Pink Floyd CDs.

Have alot of Pink Floyd on vinyl but not everything.

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It’s the best you could have got then my friend.

And that’s the thing. Having what you want and knowing that this is as good as it gets. You invest the time and effort and hard earned funds into something which is beautiful, gives you pleasure and lets you enjoy the music!

Congratulations on your new LP12 once again. You deserve this! :100:


Cheers Dan. You’re a good man!


You’re a good man too my friend.

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Listened to entire Final Cut album. And whilst it is a good album I have now put on Wish You Were Here. It’s one of my favourites, along with DSOTM, Animals and Meddle.

As for Final Cut it isn’t as good IMO. I prefer Divison Bell and Momentary Lapse of Reason to it.

The Wall is good but not up there with my favourites!

As for stuff before Meddle it’s a bit airy fairy for me mate!



Careful With That Axe Eugene

Airy Fairy!?



I bought Meddle on vinyl this week and a new copy of WYWH yesterday, both sound great and will be test LPs for the upgrade later next month.

I’m on a big vinyl revival. Sometimes I wonder if the money on the ND555 would have better spent on maxing out a LP12, but for various reasons having the ND555 (single PS) and a Seleck level LP12 fronting the 552/300 is a very nice place to end up :sunglasses:

We’re off to Auckland today and I’m seeing The Pink Floyd Experience live tonight - they are playing the Pulse concert - I’m very excited. Played the Bluray a few times this week along with a few LP12s. I feel 18 again :sunglasses::sunglasses::beer:


We share a love of music but our taste in it is very different which is cool Dan and it shows that a top Naim system sounds good with lots of genres of music. My profile name was chosen because of an appreciation of Leonard by the way. Best Rob


Too true. And my tastes go yet another way, mostly classical. The very genre that benefits the most from what digital offers: Lowest possible noise floor, perfect pitch stability, huge dynamic range… and yet my LP12 wipes the floor with my ND555 & 2x555PS on classical for involvement, realism and pure thrills. It’s just a wonderful music machine the LP12!


Another Classical fan here ( and several Operas). I’m not sure which components are contributing to reduce the noise floor/ surface noise the most with my new LP12 but I played Verdi’s Rigoletto last night and not only did the music sound great the said unwanted stuff was the lowest ever through vinyl. For me the best of early vinyl Classical and Opera releases beat modern digital hands down.

Of course solid state will never replicate that lush valve amp midrange which is so seductive on operatic vocals but with dynamic orchestral passages when valves do what they do and compress the sound the Naim’s win the day IMO. Overall I just about prefer listening to Classic and Opera on my current system than the level 5 Audio Note system that I owned a few years ago. With Jeff Beck and all it’s not even close.

By the way KLC as you will probably know Richard Shahinian was a serious Classical buff and designed his omni directional speakers to work best with that genre. I still have the Obelisk 2 as one of the top 5 speakers that I have owned regardless of the type of music played.



Get a room you 2 :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:


Are you feeling left out mate? :+1:


Good comeback Cohen - can’t match that :grinning:


Top man :+1:

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Yes Darren’s a top man, I bought my 135’s from him years ago, when he sold his six-pack. He made them & matched them whilst he worked at Naim.
I’ve just bought some ATC 7’s from him. Simon (works for Darren) brought them over when he and his wife stayed at ours a few weeks ago, he’s been a good friend for over 30 years.
I’ll see them both at the NE Audio show shortly :+1:

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@Dan_M I still prefer early Floyd, Piper etc though DSOTM & WYWH are superb too.
Happy listening!


I am a believer in having sources at similar levels. When invested heavily in my LP12 and phono stage I forget this consciously. As a result created the perfect situation for moving up from the 222 to a 332/330 combo to replace it, the 333 will have an NPX300 and my NVC with have the NPX TT powering it so I will have a nice balanced pair of sources. In the fullness of time, I will add another 300 for the 332.


I will try listening to early Floyd again. They are very weird for sure!

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