LP12 shootout at Cymbiosis

It’s funny you should say that…

All my Naim boxes are powered by a Hydra (so star-earthed) plugged into the dedicated sockets (wired directly from the meter). That was a material upgrade versus my standard ring-main sockets - on CD or stream.

Plugging my old LP12’s Lingo 4 into same upgraded electricity supply was lively but a bit noisy. Plugging that and only that into the standard ring-main socket (so as far as possible from the Naim boxes’ supply) solved the problem completely.

When I got a Stiletto LP12 with the most basic Radikal instead, we tried both options again. The advantage of having Naim on the radial and Radikal on the ring-main was a good deal clearer.

I am also aware that some use 1 radial from the meter for everything and have found exactly the opposite result to me. Whatever the details of someone’s system and house, it probably pays to try plugging things on both ways and then pick whatever actually sounds best.


@Igel , Probably best asked of Peter directly rather than here on the forum.


I’m glad that I wired up three supplies now when I replaced the floor. I definitely like to create an island if you like for ND555 x 2, Core, PN and S1 with the M6 block on a 6mm radial. The 500’s draw a lot of current and like their own wall socket IMO so I have them in a four wall socket 4m ring. Krad2 on its own in a 6mm radial. I suppose the moral is fit more than you would expect to use just in case.


Not something I have experimented with myself although Ian Ridge of Billy Vee in Lewisham did try it many years ago and reported it in the long defunct blue place. Igel could contact him if interested! KR, Peter


You thought of everything with the subfloor and electrics. Was a blinding move my friend. Now you have multiple options with your power supply.

I will try my KRadikal 2 on ring main. It is currently going into block then radial.

I prefer the 500DR PS direct into radial than on block.

The 552DR, 555PSDR, Non Naim PSU for ND555 and KRadikal 2 are all on block Musicworks 3 Ultra with Acouplex base into radial.

The router, netgear switch, EE8 Farad Super 3 power supply and Zoneripper NAS go into Wireworld Matrix 2 into ring main.

My radial circuit is on main board as well, with everything else.

Ideally I would do a new board for all HiFi, with separate radials and ring mains giving multiple options as you have done.

But, what I have is alot better than some.


I can’t see how that would work as the deck switch triggers the motor to run and power the Urika as it’s sleeping when the deck isn’t spinning. :thinking:

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Well said Dan and as you pointed out the upheaval is generally considerable to change existing. My advise would be maybe try to find a way to separate Krad2 from the “island”. Maybe on this occasion the 500DR could join up with its mates? You’ve probably tried that but something to think about :thinking:


It’s all compromises. The TV is on the radial as well. If it’s on the ring main the picture goes black occasionally necause of interference with Fridge freezer, which is only 1 year old.

I could try KRadikal 2 into radial as I have 2 unswitched double sockets and a free point to plug in.

Everything works really well but as you have had good results getting KRadikal 2 off the block I will try direct to radial socket and ring main

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A plan. :+1:

Maybe try the Farad into Musicworks? I had before the linear ps on the hifi block, giving better sound than on the second block with tv and SMPS.


That makes sense. I will try it when I get the Tall shelves installed. They are on order so could take a few weeks. Difficult to get behind the stacks unless I take shelves apart. What about the Zoneripper NAS? Keep it on ring main or try on the Musicworks into radial?

It’s the small tweaks now that all make a difference. Cable dressing, changing where power supplies are plugged into to get small incremental improvements!

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Indeed. It’s just honing now at your system level to maximise the potential. No one rule for all either. Room acoustics and structure, mains, music tastes (you obviously hate mine you Rascal :+1:). All effect results. Great when we change something and it works though isn’t it?

This week I experienced a huge improvement!!

The Humingguru cleaning cycle has dramatically improved SQ on old Leonard Cohen and surprisingly, on new LPs… Mould release must be present on new LPs and hold back SQ considerably. I will get into a huge programme of ultrasonic cleaning - each LP before it is played.



Oh no - 500ps on wall socket. Planned to put it in the powerigel plus. But can try to use a powerline direct from the wall. Only 3 wall sockets :cry:

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The Nap 500 should be connected to the Powerigel Plus.

There were a couple of threads on the subject a few years ago Drago. One of my dealers, Acoustica, had told me to put everything in the 6 way block . After reading a lot of forum info I tired it and preferred the 500 PS in its own wall socket.


Darkbear is one smart cookie and I have found a lot of benefit from following much of his advise regarding mains.

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That is a statement - I much appreciate his advice too

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Hi, by accident I found that I prefer my rad1 on the last outlet too other positions of the M6. This is where I use it now, but I am also a bit torn this position and on the room wall socket, both have its merits in my system. (M6 on its own fuse, don’t think we have “rings” here in the same way as in UK).
Have you tried different position on the M6.